Step 1 Study Prep Series: Comprehensive Resources, Question Books, Question Banks

This is the first in a series of six posts about preparing for the USMLE Step 1.

Did you know that you can access study materials for Step 1 through the library? Our resources include books and question banks, both online and in print.

Most print test prep books are on reserve and can be checked out from the Service Desk on the 4th floor, with a 4-hour loan period. Some print books with a 4-week loan period are also available in the 5th floor stacks.

Comprehensive resources and self-assessment tools are a good place to begin preparing for Step 1 to identify strengths and weaknesses and create a study strategy.

USMLE Easy and Board Vitals are two resources you can use to create personalized practice tests online. Kalpan and First Aid comprehensive study books are also on reserve and available for check out from the 4th floor Library Service Desk.

For more medical board prep resources, see our Research Guide: Board Prep for Medicine. Keep an eye out for future blog posts about systems-based resources in our collection. Happy studying!

Post contributed by Christina Heinrich