Currently viewing the category: "New Titles & Resources"

Hirsh was in desperate need of a proper New Books section to live up to its name, and at long last it’s here. So the next time you’re on the 4th floor of the Sackler building, be sure to stop by and browse the latest titles that have been added to our collection.

As always, if there’s a book we don’t have that you think we should own, please do let us know by recommending a purchase.

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As June (finally) brings us some summer weather, the Library would like to shine some light on a new development that’s been in the works behind-the-scenes.

While you’ve been taking exams and writing theses and starting your clerkship rotations, we’ve been getting ready to launch a new Integrated Library System and Discovery Platform! Which means that the way you search for items to check out, and the way we manage those items behind the desk is about to change.

On June 21, join us as we launch a new iteration of JumboSearch, a brand new way to search for books, articles, and other materials the library provides (including electronics, peripherals, and online books and journals).

You may notice some differences as you search, log in to your account, and access materials from off-campus, but everything you’re accustomed to will still be available. The only major difference is that if you were using Reading History in our current system, that information won’t migrate (so contact us for help!).

Watch this space for more information!

Questions? Contact us @

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We have had a cold, wet spring season this year, but summer is just around the corner. Whether you’re looking for a novel to take to the beach, or one to accompany you when hiding from the heat, below is a small selection of the latest titles to be added to our Leisure Reading collection. These and many more can be found on the 4th floor of the Sackler building.


The Forever Summer by Jamie Brenner

Beartown by Fredrik Backman

Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout

Rules of Civility  by Amor Towles

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

The Baker’s Secret by Stephen P. Kiernan


As always, if there’s a book we don’t have that you think we should own, please do let us know by recommending a purchase.

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Tisch Library in Medford recently subscribed to The New York Times academic pass program.  This means that Tufts students, faculty and staff can register for a personal account to access The New York Times from their computer or mobile device, on and off campus.  For instructions on creating a personal account using the Tufts academic pass and answers to FAQ about our access, see this page:

Note: When creating an account, be sure to choose the correct link based on your location when registering (i.e. on or off campus).


Post contributed by Laura Pavlech

We have recently acquired 3 hand-painted anatomical models: a Spine, an Ear, and Teeth with Common Pathologies. All come with bases/stands and guides. They are now available at the Circulation Desk on the 4th floor of Sackler.

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image credit: © 2017 Clarivate Analytics


Want to upgrade to the latest version of EndNote? Now you can!

EndNote x8 is the latest version of the popular citation management software program. It has the same functionality as previous versions, but also has updated icons and more sharing options, such as:

  • The option of sharing your entire EndNote library, references, PDFs and annotations with up to 100 people.
  • Allows for people sharing a library add to, annotate and use the library at the same time as well as keep track of who is making what changes to the shared library and when.

EndNote x8 is compatible with Mac Sierra OS and MS Word 2016.

To have x8 installed on your laptop or Tufts computer, contact TTS at 617-636-3376; – or – stop by the TTS Help Desk on Sackler 5. Remember to ask TTS to
un-install any previous versions of EndNote from your computer!

If you have been using EndNote x7 or earlier, your libraries will be converted automatically to x8. However, just to be on the safe side, make a back-up copy of important libraries! You can learn about how to create a back-up copy of your libraries here; you may also want to consider storing your back-up libraries on Tufts Box.


Want to learn more about EndNote x8? Watch the “What’s New with EndNote x8” video:


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When it comes to your thesis, dissertation, or other degree-fulfilling project, there’s a lot to consider and a lot to do.  The library has created a new webpage providing links to various resources you may need along the way, such as to help you find other people’s theses, select a citation management tool, develop a data management plan, design a research study, search for articles on your topic, utilize images and figures, manage copyright, and more!  Whether you’re at the planning, researching, writing, or submitting phase, we can assist, so check it out!


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You now have full access to the archives of the Handbook of Physiology electronically through Comprehensive Physiology.

From the publisher:

Comprising an archive of more than 30,000 pages of content from the American Physiological Society’s renowned Handbook of Physiology (HoP), which was published as a series of books from 1977 to 2008: presented here for the first time in digital format.

Comprehensive Physiology is the most authoritative and comprehensive collection of physiology information ever assembled, and uses the most powerful features of review journals and electronic reference works to cover the latest key developments in the field, through the most authoritative articles on the subjects covered.

This makes Comprehensive Physiology a valued reference work on the evolving science of physiology for both researchers and clinicians. It also provides a useful teaching tool for instructors and an informative resource for medical students and other students in the life and health sciences.

Sometimes you want to reuse an awesome image or figure you’ve found or want to find awesome images, such as this one:

Who’s Awesome? You’re Awesome!” by kjarrett is licensed under CC BY 2.0

But you’re not sure if you are allowed to.  Maybe it’s for a paper, a presentation, your website, your thesis, etc. – how do you know if you are allowed to use it for your intended purpose?  How do you know where to find appropriate images?

Well, have no fear, the Hirsh Health Sciences Library has created an interactive Image Reuse Tool to help you find images and/or determine if an image can be utilized for your intended use.  Let us help you wade through the copyright mire and come out awesome!


Post contributed by Judy Rabinowitz

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Spring is just around the corner, and we’ve got lots of new books sprouting-up on our shelves. Take a moment to stroll down the New Books display on the 4th floor of Sackler for some intriguing titles that have just come in. Here is a selection of the latest additions to our collection:



Homegoing  by Yaa Gyasi

The Edge of Lost  by Kristina McMorris

The Lightkeepers  by Abby Geni

A Piece of the World  by Christina Baker Kline

Miss Jane  by Brad Watson

The Lost Girls  by Heather Young

Before the Fall  by Noah Hawley



Blood Sugar : racial pharmacology and food justice in Black America  by Anthony Ryan Hatch

Good Doctor : a father, a son, and the evolution of medical ethics  by Barron H. Lerner

Food, Poverty and Insecurity : international food inequalities

The Other Brain : the scientific and medical breakthroughs that will heal our brains and revolutionize our health

Brave Genius : a scientist, a philosopher, and their daring adventures from the French resistance to the Nobel Prize  by Sean B. Carroll

Savor : mindful eating, mindful life  by Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung



The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook : secrets from the legendary specialty food store for simple food and party platters you can make at home  by Ina Garten

Weeknights with Giada  by Giada De Laurentiis

Jamie at Home : cook your way to the good life  by Jamie Oliver


As always, if there’s a book we don’t have that you think we should own, please do let us know by recommending a purchase.

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