Currently viewing the tag: "carpentries"

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Join us for a Software Carpentry workshop from October 24-27 from 1-4pm! This workshop is aimed at all members of the Tufts community, and we especially encourage researchers, graduate students, and Tufts Medical Center staff to join us.

In this workshop, we will be learning the essentials of:

  • The Unix Bash shell, to help automate repetitive tasks
  • Git, for help with collaboration and long-term projects (like your thesis!)
  • Python, for data analysis and visualization

This workshop is for complete beginners – if you have no experience with these tools but think that they can be useful to you, please join us! We can also help you set up the software for each session – we will be available for help for an hour before each session, starting at noon each day.

Make sure to register in advance, and keep in mind that you will be registering for all 4 days of the workshop.

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I know what you’re thinking.

“What the heck is Data Carpentry?” “What does Social Science have to do with woodworking?” “Is the Library trying to hoodwink me into building bookshelves?”

But wait, we’re not talking about this kind of carpentry…

We’re talking Data Carpentry, which is part of the larger Carpentries organization. Workshops presented under the umbrella of the Carpentries are designed to teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers. The lessons are designed with data-intensive research in mind and no previous experience with any of the tools being taught is expected. You don’t even need to be a social scientist! Anyone wishing to learn the introductory computational skills needed for data management and analysis in a research environment is welcome to attend.

This FREE (yes free!) Data Carpentry workshop will cover R, OpenRefine, and best practices for working with Spreadsheets. You do not need any prior knowledge of these tools to attend. Come prepared to work, to ask questions, and learn along with your fellow carpenters. No, not THAT type of carpenter…

Carpenter Bee by Raghunath Thirumalaisamy is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Join us on October 21 and 22, 2019 for this fun and informative workshop. Registration is FREE. For more information, the Code of Conduct, and to register, please go  here:

For more information about the Carpentries @ Tufts, visit us here.


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