Currently viewing the tag: "Games"

Did you know that Hirsh Library has games that you can checkout? Cool, right!? If you need a break from studying or just want to challenge your friends to a game of Operation, stop by the Library Service Desk. We have Chess, Checkers, Jenga, Uno, Skippo, a bunch of playing cards… just to name a few, that you can checkout and play!

Operation Game

Image: Operation Game. Credit: mustangsmile

Let the games begin!

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Fun! Fun! Fun!

Need a study break? Drop by the Circulation Desk every Tuesday between 2-8pm and get competitive with a board game (we have Operation!) or relax with a puzzle–the choice is yours! We’ll have a selection of entertaining diversions out for you to enjoy on the 4th floor.

Want to play a game on a different day of the week? No problem! Just ask at the desk–we’d be happy to hand one over.


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Conan Hand Turkey Happy Thanksgiving (Barbara Nilsen| CC BY-SA 2.0

Need a Friday afternoon break?  This Friday from 2:30-4:00PM you’ll find a number of games, puzzles, and decks of cards to borrow near the service desk on the 4th floor of Sackler.  Please feel free grab an empty table and play away!

And due to the popularity of our pumpkin-painting a few weeks ago, we’ll also have a November-themed craft project. Hand turkeys anyone?

Have fun!

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Need a Friday afternoon break?  Tomorrow from 2:30-4:00PM you’ll find a number of games and decks of cards to borrow near the service desk on the 4th floor of Sackler.  Please feel free grab an empty table and play away!  Have fun!

Machovka_Cards 3 boardgame






*Images courtesy of Openclipart

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