Henry J. Leir Institute for Migration and Human Security

Seeking equitable and sustainable approaches to migration and its root causes.


Since 2001, we have convened leading scholar-practitioners from the fields of migration, development, human rights, conflict resolution, and humanitarian action. By connecting and creating synergies between experts on migration and experts on the drivers of displacement, we produce problem-driven research that not only attracts graduate students from across the world, but also the attention of policy makers and practitioners.

Carlos Alvarado Quesada
Professor of Practice in Diplomacy
Senior Fellow, Edward R. Murrow Center for a Digital World

Small State Diplomacy, Leadership, Climate Change, Latin America
Katrina Burgess
Director, Henry J. Leir Institute
Professor of Political Economy

Migration & Diasporas, Latin America, Comparative Politics, Political Economy of Development
Eileen F. Babbitt
Professor of Practice of International Conflict Analysis and Resolution

Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Negotiation, Mediation, Human Rights
John Cerone
Visiting Professor of International Law

International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Justice
Diana Chigas
Professor of Practice of International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Senior International Officer and Associate Provost, Tufts University

Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Negotiation, Mediation, Corruption
Bridget K. Conley
Research Director at the World Peace Foundation
Assistant Professor of Research

Mass Atrocities, Genocide, Memorialization, Museums
Alex de Waal
Executive Director, World Peace Foundation
Research Professor

Africa, Complex Emergencies, Humanitarian Action, Peacebuilding
Alnoor Ebrahim
Professor of Management

NGO Leadership, NGO Governance, Social Impact Strategy & Evaluation
Anjuli Fahlberg
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Interim Director of Latin American Studies, Tufts Arts and Sciences

Social Movements, Latin America, Participatory Action Research
Tamirace Fakhoury
Associate Professor of International Politics and Conflict

Power-sharing in post-conflict states, migration and refugee governance, the European Union’s conflict resolution and migration policy in the Mediterranean, post-2011 political transitions in the Middle East
Aram HurAram Hur
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Kim Koo-Korea Foundation Professorship in Korean Studies
Karen Jacobsen
Henry J. Leir Professor in Global Migration
Director, Refugees in Towns Project

Migration, Forced Displacement, Urban Displacement, Livelihoods, Africa
Elke Jahns-Harms
Lecturer in Human Security

Development Aid, Financial Inclusion
Ian Johnstone
Professor of International Law

International Law, International Organizations, United Nations, Peace Operations
Daniel Maxwell
Henry J. Leir Professor in Food Security at the Feinstein International Center

Food Security, Livelihoods, Humanitarian Assistance, Africa
Dyan Mazurana
Research Professor
Research Director, Feinstein International Center at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

Gender, Conflict, Humanitarian Assistance, War-Affected Children, Child Protection
Marcia Moreno-Báez

Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial Technologies, Participatory Action Research, Decision-making Tools
Chidi Anselm Odinkalu
Professor of Practice in International Human Rights Law

International Human Rights Law, Regional Governance, Forced Migration, Africa
Nadim Rouhana
Director of the International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Program
Director, The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
Faculty Affiliate, Harvard Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School
Professor of International Affairs and Conflict Studies

Israel-Palestine, Middle East-North Africa, Conflict Resolution, Colonialism
Elizabeth Stites
Research Associate Professor, Fletcher School
Associate Research Professor, Freidman School
Research Direction of Conflict and Livelihoods, Feinstein International Center

Livelihoods, Gender, Conflict, Humanitarian Assistance, Pastoralism
Kimberly Theidon
Henry J. Leir Professor in International Humanitarian Studies

Latin America, Gender, Ecologies of Justice, Transitional Justice, Memory Politics
Rockford Weitz
Professor of Practice in Maritime Studies
Director of the Fletcher Maritime Studies Program

Global Maritime Affairs, Maritime Security, Arctic Studies, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Social Innovation, Technology
Kim Wilson
Senior Lecturer in International Business and Human Security
Senior Fellow, Center for Emerging Market Enterprises, Institute for Business in a Global Context
Director, Journeys Project

Financial Inclusion, Microfinance, Migration