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Indian tech unicorns are gaining at China’s expense. Is this a blessing or a bubble waiting to burst?

In his latest article in The Indian Express, Fletcher Dean of Global Business Bhaskar Chakravorti explains that the last thing India can afford is a bubble that bursts and for capital, talent, and technology to take flight and seek refuge elsewhere.

Excerpt taken from “Indian tech unicorns are gaining at China’s expense. Is this a blessing or a bubble waiting to burst?”, Bhaskar Chakravorti, The Indian Express

Tiger Global Management, a New York-based investment firm, has a reputation for tracking and hunting unicorns — startups with billion dollar-plus valuations. This year, if we were to track the Tiger’s shifting gaze, we would catch sight of an interesting migratory phenomenon: Fewer unicorn sightings in China — ordinarily the biggest unicorn habitat outside the US — and the beginnings of a unicorn stampede in India. While the shifting of the Tiger’s gaze cannot be good for China, I worry it may not be good for India either.