Please let us know if you have presented PARE-related work and we will add it to our list.
Corresponding authors are listed in bold.
Journal articles
E.A. Genné-Bacon and C.A. Bascom-Slack. The PARE Project: A Short Course-Based Research Project for National Surveillance of Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes in Environmental Samples. J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ. Oct. 2018 vol. 19 no. 3. doi:10.1128/jmbe.v19i3.1603
Poster presentations
Refereed posters
Elizabeth Genné-Bacon, Jessica Henry, and Carol Bascom-Slack. Easing Perceived Barriers to Course-Based Research Experiences: Impact of the PARE Project. 25th Annual American Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education, July 2018, Austin, TX.
Elizabeth Genné-Bacon and Bascom-Slack, C.A. Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistance in the Environment (PARE): A bite-sized, flexible gateway into classroom-based research. American Society of Microbiology Conference of Undergraduate Educators, 2017.
Other posters (PARE undergraduate students)
Amanda Donnelly, Cassondra Perkins, Grant Allen, Brittany Boyken, Octavia Brown, David Cary, Elizabeth Fakunle, Justin Frazier, Gabby Gallois, Kiah Gledhill, Sydney Goff, Kelsey Humphries, Ryan Hundley, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Hannah Mull, Dakota Shewmaker, Mackenzie Sublett, Tonya Umphress, Fallin Webb, and Dr. Rachel Pritchard. Difference in Microbe production in the presence of domesticated animals versus non-domesticated animals. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
David Cary, Mackenzie Sublett, Grant Allen, Brittany Boyken, Octavia Brown, Amanda Donnelly, Elizabeth Fakunle, Justin Frazier, Gabrielle Gallois, Kiah Gledhill, Sydney Goff, Kelsey Humphries, Ryan Hundley, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Hannah Mull, Dakota Shewmaker, Tonya Umphress, Fallin Webb, Cassondra Perkins, Rachel Pritchard, Ph.D. Comparison of Antibiotic Resistant Microbes in Rural vs Urban Soil Research. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Elise Webb, Tonya Umphress, Grant Allen, Brittany Boyken, Octavia Brown, David Cary, Amanda Donnelly, Elizabeth Fakunle, Justin Frazier, Gabriella Gallois, Kiah Glendell, Sydney Goff, Kelsey Humphries, Ryan Hundley, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Hannah Mull, Cassandra Perkins, Dakota Shoemaker, Mackenzie Sublet Dr. Rachel Pritchard. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Grant Allen, Hannah Mull, Brittany Boyken, Octaivia Brown, Elizabeth Fakunle, Christopher Frazier, Sydney Goff, Kelsey Humphries, Ryan Hundley, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Dakota Shewmaker, Tonya Umphress, Fallin Webb, and Rachel Pritchard. Antibiotic Resistance in Rural and Urban Areas. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Brittany Boyken, Ryan Hundley, Octavia Brown, Elizabeth Fukunle, Christopher Frazier, Sydney Goff, Kelsey Humphries, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Hannah Mull, Dakota Shoemaker, Tonya Umphress, Fallin Webb, Rachel Pritchard, Ph.D. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment Project. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Leisure, S., Mercer, N., Allen, G., Boyken, B., Brown, O., Cary, D., Donnelly, A., Fakunle, E., Frazier, C., Gallois, G., Gledhill, K., Goff, S., Humphries, K., Hundley, R., Mull, H., Perkins, C., Shewmaker, D., Sublett, M., Umphress, T., Webb, F, Pritchard, R. Percentage of Tetracycline-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in Soil is Higher in Sites Frequently Visited by Animals. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Gallois, G., Gledhill, K., Allen, G., Boyken, B., Brown, O., Cary, D., Donnelly, A., Fakunle, E., Frazier, C., Goff, S., Humphries, K., Hundley, R., Leisure, S., Mercer, N., Mull, H., Perkins, C., Shewmaker, D., Sublett, M., Umphress, T., Webb F., Pritchard, R. Percent Resistance to Tet. of Bacteria Found in Soils in Rural Areas vs. Urban/Suburban Areas. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Kelsey Humphries, Sydney Goff, Brittany Boyken, Octaivia Brown, Elizabeth Fakunle, Justin Frazier, Kiah Gledhill, Gabrielle Gallois, Ryan Hundley, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Hannah Mull, Dakota Shewmaker, Tonya Umphress, Elise Webb, Dr. Rachel Pritchard. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Elizabeth Fakunle, Dakota Shewmaker, Grant Allen, David Cary, Brittany Boyken, Octavia Brown, Justin Frazier, Gabby Gallois, Sydney Goff, Kiah Gledhill, Kelsey Humphries, Ryan Hundley, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Hannah Mull, Cassondra Perkins, Mackenzie Sublett, Tonya Umphress, Elise Webb and Dr. Rachel Pritchard. Effect of Tetracycline Antibiotic Resistance on Soil Collection with MacConkey Agar, Amphotericin B Chemical. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Justin Frazier, Octaivia Brown, Brittany Boykin, Elizabeth Fakunle, Sydney Goff, Kelsey Humphries, Ryan Hundley, Sydney Leisure, Natalie Mercer, Hannah Mull, Dakota Shewmaker, Tonya Umphress, Elise Webb, Kiah Gledhill, Gabrielle Gallois, Dr. Rachel Pritchard. Antibiotic Tetracycline Resistance Compared in Urban and Rural Areas. Kentucky Wesleyan College Research Symposium, 2018.
Susan Storm, Sweeney Pua and Brinda Govindan. UV sensitivity in multi-drug resistant bacteria isolated from Lake Chabot. San Francisco State University, 2018.
Suad I. Ali, Ellen E. Andrews, Nicholas S. Masters, Trevin S. Simmons, Jennifer R. Larson. PARE: Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment. Posters and presentations: 21st Annual Symposium on Undergraduate Scholarship, April 19, 2017, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio.
Invited seminars
Thompson, Z. and Meyers, D. Implementing a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience in Microbiology. National IRACDA meeting 2019.
Bascom-Slack, C.A. Crowd-sourcing Environmental Surveillance of Environmental Antibiotic-Resistance Through Undergraduate Course-Based Research Microbial Systems Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.
Bascom-Slack, C.A., Larson, J.R. Bryan, B. A course-based research experience to determine the Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment (PARE) Workshop. American Society of Microbiology Conference of Undergraduate Educators, 2018.
Genné-Bacon. E. Curing” CUREs: Understanding and Alleviating Barriers to Implementation of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Researchers, 2018.
Kleinschmit, A. Assessment of Learning Gains and Changes in Student Perception of the Process of Science from Implementation of a Modular CURE, Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Researchers, 2018.
Kevin Drace. Microbrew presentation, 25th Annual American Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education, July 2018, Austin, TX.
Sarah Olken. PARE as a CURE. New England Biology Association of Two-Year Colleges (NEBATYC) Annual Meeting, Northwest Connecticut Community College, May 17, 2018.
Bascom-Slack, C.A. Using Classroom Research as a Platform to Create Partnerships Between Institutions, Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting and Exhibit, 2017.
Bascom-Slack, C.A. The PARE Project: Introducing a Sustainable Course-based Research Program. AC2 Bio-Link Regional Center Research Mentoring Workshop, Corpus Christi, TX, 2017.
Jennifer R. Larson. PARE: Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment NWBio, University of Washington-Tacoma, Tacoma, WA, May 2017.
Jennifer R. Larson, Suad Ali, Ellen E. Andrews, Nicholas Master, Trevin Simmons. How to Create a Superbug: New Laboratory Modules to Expand Upon a Course-Based Research Experience. Microbrew presentation, 24th Annual American Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education, July 2017, Denver, CO.
Bascom-Slack, C.A. The PARE Project: Classroom Partnerships to Assess the Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes at Environmental Sites Across the U.S. microbrew, American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators, 2015. Bascom-Slack, C.A. Public Health Coalition and Public Interest Group panel on the Overuse of Antibiotics on Factory Farms, Yale University (invited panelist).
PARE student presentations
Diana Lau, Monica Roberson, Carlos Valencia and Sarah Olken. The Isolation and Characterization of Tetracycline-Resistant Bacteria in Soil from Urban Communities. UMass Undergraduate Research Conference, April 27th, 2018. [External Link]
Anna Cottington, Megan Glisczinski, Haley Makemson, Sarah Paepke and Amber Qureshi. Assessing Antibiotic Resistance in the Mann Valley Farm Heifer Pasture. Bar code sequence using Cpn60 submitted to Genbank (Accession #MG676475). Class presentation, Dec. 7, 2017.
Jack Crowson, Tom Genelin, Anthony Rittmeyer, Peter Elwood, Amber Qureshi. Evaluating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in the Environment. Bar code sequence using Cpn60 submitted to Genbank (Accession #MG676472). Class presentation, Dec. 7, 2017.