
Bhaskar Chakravorti in Forbes – “Who Knows If Robots Will Rob Us Of Our Livelihoods, But They May Help Us Live Longer”

Who Knows If Robots Will Rob Us Of Our Livelihoods, But They May Help Us Live Longer

Regardless of how our new relationship with automation technologies develops, I am truly excited about the possibility that a certain class of bots might, in fact, make a dramatic difference to our lives – by extending them. A reality of aging societies is that we must contend with an increasing rate of colonoscopies, angioplasties and even nastier procedures. I take great comfort in the musings of the physicist, Richard Feynman, who spoke way back in 1959 of “swallowing” the surgeon as an alternative to all the nastiness.

In other words, bots can do good simply by being good for us.

Read the full piece from Dean Chakravorti at Forbes

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