


115. Ioannides, Yannis M. Editor. Recent Developments in the Economics of Housing. Edward Elgar. 2019. 2 Volumes. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, Image

ISBN: 978 1 78811 200 0


114. Ioannides, Yannis M. From Neighborhoods to Nations: The Economics of Social Interactions.  Princeton University Press, 2013, 552 pages. JSTOR stable URL

Table of Contents.   Preface. Google Books Preview.  

Princeton Scholarship Online    Jstor


Yves Zenou, J. of Economic Geography, May 14, 2013; DOI; extract.

Michael Batty, Spatial Complexity.

Matthew E. Kahn, Environmental and Urban Economics.

Andreas Koch, J. of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 16(4), October 2013.

Michael Batty, Progress in Human Geography, October 2014, 723-725; DOI; extract.

William A. Sundstrom, J. of Economic History, September 2014, 938-939; DOI; extract.

Michiel Gerritse. Environment and Planning B. DOI; December 22, 2016.

Don Ross. Don Ross. “Economics is converging with sociology but not with
psychology.” Journal of Economic Methodology. 2022

“Ioannides (2013) is a particularly ambitious and pioneering theoretical review. A major technical barrier to be surmounted is the need for preservation of agents’ utility functions across extensive form games, which conflicts directly with the fundamental sociological conception of people as temporary occupants of social roles that specify and constrain their action sets (Coleman, 1990). … Bridge-building modeling such as that of Ioannides, RST, and IGT may help economists to more efficiently mine
the rich economic sociology literature for both empirical phenomena and proposed causal mechanisms to incorporate into economic theory. I regard this as the most promising pathway by which sociology and economics may draw progressively closer together, a development I have argued to be both desirable and probable.” DOI: 10.1080/1350178X.2022.2049854

Outline: Jstor entry citations. March 15, 2022.

Talks based on book.

“Learning about Cities from Social Interactions Research.” Workshop slides, Cornell Univ., Dept of City and Regional Planning, Febr. 2014.

“From Neighborhoods to Nations via Social Interactions.” Keynote speech, 18th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance. University of Crete, May 30, 2014.

And a related very early version: ASSET Lecture, ASSET Meeting, Rethymno, Crete, October 2001.

113. Public Investment Financing and Social Risk Allocation, Center for Planning and Economic Research, Athens, Greece, 1986,143 pages.

112. Mathematical Economic Analysis:  An Intermediate Text, Athens School of Economics and Business, Athens, 1985 (in Greek), 203 pages.  pdf

111. Equilibrium Adjustment Processes: The Housing Market Case. PhD Dissertation. Stanford University. 1974. pdf-1 pdf-2 ProQuest

110. Economics of Electrical Power Systems, with Vasilis Nicoletopoulos (and assistance from Angelos Lygerakis), Athens, 1968 (in Greek), 350 pages.  pdf-1 pdf-2


Articles in Refereed Journals

109. “On the Macroeconomics of Corruption.” With Costas Azariadis. Indian Economic Review. March  21, 2023.  DOI PDF Talk. Universite Aix-Marseille. Αix-Marseille School of Economics, November 14, 2022.

108. “Endogenous Social Networks and Inequality in an Intergenerational Setting.” DOI.  PDF. International Economic Review. 63(4):1691-1715. November 2022.

107. “Ubiquitous Digital Technologies and Spatial Structure: An Update.” With Emmanouil Tranos. April 15, 2021. PLOS One. DOI.

106. “ICT and Cities Revisited.” With Emmanouil Tranos. Telematics and Informatics. December, 55, 2020. DOI PDF.

105. “Cities Ancient, Medieval, Modern: An Economics Perspective.” Inaugural Lecture. June 5, 2018. Academy of Athens. Proceedings of the Academy of Athens. 93. Γ:131-159. In Greek. PDF   Presentation (Greek). PPTX. Appendix: “Spatial Expanse of the Ancient Hellenic System of Cities.” pdf. Abstract in English.

104. “The Exact Solution of Spatial Logit Response Games.” With Tomohiko Konno. Mathematical Social Sciences. March 2019 97: 1-10. PDF. DOI

103. “A DMP Model of Intercity Trade.” Labour Economics, March 2018 50: 97–111. PDF DOI

102. “Review”  of Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb by Douglas S. Massey et al. Princeton University Press, 2013.  Journal of Economic Literature. June  2017, 55(2), 609–620. PDF. DOI

101. “Walled Cities in Late Imperial China.” With Junfu Zhang. Journal of Urban Economics. January 2017 97:71–88. PDF  DOI

100. “Is the Greek Crisis One of Supply or Demand?” With Christopher A. Pissarides. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Fall 2015, 349–373. Slides. Press

99. “Spatial Effects and House Price Dynamics in the U.S.A.” With Jeffrey Cohen and Win (Wirathip ) Thanapisitikul. Journal of Housing Economics,  31, 1, March, 1–13, 2016. DOI. pdf.

 98. “Neighborhoods to Nations via Social Interactions.” Economic Modelling. 48, August, 5–15, 2015. pdf  DOI.  Slides.

97. “US City Size Distribution: Robustly Pareto, but Only in the Tail,” with Spyros Skouras, Journal of Urban Economics,  73, 1, January, 18–29, 2013. DOIpdf

96. “Complexity and  Organizational Architecture,”  Mathematical Social Sciences, September, 193–202, 2012. DOI.  pdf

95. “Social Interactions,” with Steven N. Durlauf, Annual Review of Economics,  September,  2, 451–478, 2010. DOI pdf

94. “Review,” of Scott E. Page “The Difference: How The Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies.” Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007;  Journal of Economic Literature (article section), 48, 1,   107–121, 2010. DOI  pdf

93. “Neighborhood Effects: Accomplishments and Looking Beyond them,” with Giorgio Topa, Journal of Regional Science, 50th Anniversary Issue, 50, 1,  2010, 343–362.DOI pdf

92. “The Effect of Information and Communication Technologies on Urban Structure,” with Henry G. Overman, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, and Kurt Schmidheiny, Economic Policy, 54, April, 201–242, 2008.DOI  pdf

91. “Interactions, Neighborhood Selection and Housing Demand,” with Jeffrey E. Zabel, Journal of Urban Economics, 63, 229-252, 2008. DOI pdf

90. “Social Networking and Individual Outcomes beyond the Mean Field Case,” with Adriaan R. Soetevent, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (special issue in Honor of Alan Kirman), 64, 3–4, 369–390, 2007.DOI pdf

89. “Unemployment and Liquidity Constraints,” with Vassilis A. Hajivassiliou, Journal of Applied Econometrics,  22, 3April/May, 479-510, 2007 . DOI pdf

88. “Wages and Employment in a  Random Social Network with Arbitrary Degree Distribution,” with Adriaan Soetevent, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 96, 2, May, 270–274, 2006. DOI pdf  A related working paper

87. “Topologies of Social Interactions,” Economic Theory, 28, 559–584, 2006.  DOI pdf

86. “The Role of Output Composition in the Stabilization of US Output Growth,” with Andrew Eggers, Journal of Macroeconomics, 28, 585–595, 2006. DOI  pdf

85. “Job Information Networks, Neighborhood Effects, and Inequality,” with Linda D. Loury,  Journal of Economic Literature, XLII, December, 1056–1093, 2004. DOI pdf JEL

84. “Neighbors’ Income Distribution: Economic Segregation and Mixing in US Urban Neighborhoods,” with Anna M. Hardman, Journal of Housing Economics, 13, 4, 368–382, 2004. DOI   pdf

83. “Neighborhood Income Distributions,” Journal of Urban Economics, 56, 435–457, 2004;  DOI  pdf

82. “Spatial Evolution of the U.S. Urban System,” with Henry G. Overman, Journal of  Economic Geography, 4, 2, 1–26, 2004. DOI pdf

81. “Empirical Nonlinearities and Neighborhood Effects in the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital,” Applied Economics Letters, 10, 535–539, 2003. DOI

80. “Interactive Property Valuations,” Journal of Urban Economics,53, 2003, 145–170;  DOI  pdf

79. “Neighborhood Effects and Housing Demand,” with Jeffrey E. Zabel, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18, 563–584, 2003. DOI pdf

78. “Zipf’s Law for Cities: An Empirical Examination,” with Henry G. Overman,  Regional Science and Urban Economics, 33, 1, March, 127–137, 2003. DOI  pdf Image (by David Albouy)

77. “Neighborhood Wealth Distributions,” with Tracey N. Seslen, Economics Letters, 76, 3, 2002, 357–367. DOI pdf

76. “Residential Neighborhood Effects,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 32, 2, 2002, 145–165. DOI pdf

75. “Spatial Interactions among U.S. Cities,” with Linda H. Dobkins, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 31, 6, 2001, 701-731.  DOI pdf pdf

74. “Propaedeutics of Strategic Theories of Economic Integration,” with Hans H. Haller, Economics Letters, 70, 215–221, 2001. DOI pdf

73. “Cross-Sectional Evolution of the U.S. City Size Distribution,” with Henry G. Overman, Journal of Urban Economics, 49, 2001, 543–566. DOI pdf

72. “`Why Are There Rich and Poor Countries? Symmetry Breaking in the World Economy:’ A Note,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,13, 140–149, 1999. DOI pdf

71. “Residential Mobility and the Housing Market in a Two-Sector Neoclassical Growth Model,” with A. M. Hardman, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101, 2, 161–181, 1999. DOI pdf

70. “House Price Dynamics: An International Empirical Perspective,” with Peter Englund, Journal of Housing Economics, June, 6, 119–136, 1997. DOI pdf

69. “Introduction,” Special Issue, Urban–Regional Structure and Economic Growth, Regional Science and Urban Economics, No.6, 26, 1996, 561–563. DOI

68. “Structural Estimation of Residential Mobility and Housing Tenure Choice,” with Kamhon Kan, Journal of Regional Science, 36, 3, 1996, 335-363. DOI

67. “Duality and Liquidity Constraints under Uncertainty” with V. A. Hajivassiliou, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 20, 1996,  1177-1192. DOI

66. “Moving Behavior and the Housing Market,” with A. M. Hardman,  Regional Science and Urban Economics 25, 1, 1995, 21-39. DOI

65. “Product Differentiation and Economic Growth in a System of Cities,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 24, 1994, 461-484. DOI

64. “Estimating the Consumption and Investment Demands for Housing and their Effect on Housing Tenure Status,” with Stuart  S. Rosenthal, Review of  Economics and Statistics, February, 127-141, 1994. DOI pdf

30. “Dynamics of the Composition of Household Asset Portfolios and the Life Cycle,” Applied Financial Economics, 2, 3, 145-159, 1992. DOI

62. “On Dynamics with Time-to-Build Investment Technology and Non Time-Separable Leisure,” with Bart Taub, Journal of Economic Dynamics  and Control, 16, 1992, 225-241. DOI

61. “Trading Uncertainty and Market Form,” International Economic Review, 31, 3, August, 1990, 619-638. DOI

60. “Housing, Other Real Estate, and Wealth Portfolios: An Empirical Investigation Based on The 1983 Survey of Consumer Finances,” Regional  Science and Urban Economics, 19, 1989, 259-280. DOI

59. “Female Participation and Male Unemployment Duration in Greece: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey,” with C. Meghir and C. A. Pissarides, European Economic Review, 33, 1989, 395-406. DOI pdf

58. “Dynamic Aspects of Consumer Decisions in Housing Markets,” with J.V. Henderson, Journal of Urban Economics 26, 1989, 212-230. DOI

57. “Life Cycle Consumption, Labor Supply, and Housing,” Proceedings of the International Seminar of  Life-Cycle Theory, Annales d’ Economie et de Statistique, 9, 1988, 93-110. pdf

56. “On The Architecture of Complex Organizations,” Economics Letters, 25, 1987, 201-206. DOI

55. “Housing Tenure Choice and Residential Mobility,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 17, 1987, 265-287. Reprinted in: M. M. Fischer and K. J. Button, eds., Regional Housing and Labour Markets, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Glos. DOI

54. “On the Distribution of Wealth and Intergenerational Transfers,” with R. Sato, Journal of Labor Economics, 5, 3, 1987, 366-385. DOI

53. “Owner-Occupancy: Consumption vs. Investment Demand,” with J. V. Henderson, Journal of Urban Economics, 21, 1987, 228-241. DOI

52. “Heritability of Ability, Intergenerational Transfers and The Distribution of Wealth,” International Economic Review, 27, 3, October 1986,  611-623. DOI

51. “Tenure Choice and the Demand for Housing,” with J.V.Henderson, Economica, 53, 1, May 1986, 231-246. DOI

50. “Monopsony and the Lifetime Relation between Wages and Productivity,” with C.A. Pissarides, Journal of Labor Economics, January 1985,  91-100. DOI

49. “Renting vs. Ownership in Housing Markets,” Greek Economic Review, No. 3, December 1983, 201-222.

48. “Wages and Employment with Firm-Specific Seniority,” with C.A. Pissarides, The Bell Journal of Economics,14, No.2, Autumn 1983, 573-580. DOI

47. “Inventories, Rational Expectations and Economic Activity,” with K. Chan, Economics Letters, 1983 (12), 235-241. DOI

46. “Location Decisions under Uncertainty and the Urban Model,”Economics Letters, 1983 (11), 291-295. DOI

45. “Endogenous Trading Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Equilibrium,” Economic Journal, Supplement, 1983, March, 98-105. DOI

44. “A Model of Housing Tenure Choice,” with J.V. Henderson, American Economic Review, 73, No. 1, March 1983, 98-113. DOI

43. “Layoff Unemployment, Risk Shifting and Productivity,” with K.S.Chan, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1982, 97, (22), 2l3-229. DOI

42. “Aspects of Growth in a System of Cities,” with J.V. Henderson, Journal of Urban Economics, 10, 1981, 117-139. DOI

41. “Job Search, Unemployment and Savings,” Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 7, No. 3, May 1981, 355-370. DOI

40. “Sources of Growth and the Contribution of Education, Sex, and Age Structure to the Growth Rate of the Greek Economy: 1961-1971,” with Michael C. Caramanis, Greek Economic Review, V. 2, No. 2, August 1980, 143-162.

39. “Foreign Investment, Technology Transfer, and Structural Change in Greece: 1958-1970,” Keio Economic Studies, 1980 (17), No. 2, 71-83. pdf

38. “On Temporary Layoffs and Job Search Theory,” Economics Letters, 1979 (2), 281-285. DOI

37. “Temporal Risks and the Tenure Decision in Housing Markets,”Economics Letters, 1979(4), 293-297. DOI

36. “Capital-Labor Substitution in a Developing Country: The Case of Greece–A Note,” with Michael C. Caramanis, European Economic Review, 1979 (12), 101-110. DOI

35. “Market Allocation through Search: Equilibrium Adjustment and Price Dispersion,”  Journal of Economic Theory, November, 1975 (11), No.  2, 247-262. DOI

Refereed Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings

34.  “ “Economic Growth of Cities from Antiquity to the Present: A Macroeconomic Approach,” (in Greek). With Shengbin Wei. Pp. 75-95. In: C. Papaevangelou-Genakou, Ed. The Palimpsest of Athens. Bank of Greece, Athens. Greece. February 2024.

33. “Macro Policy Interdependence in a Unifying Framework for a Monetary and Fiscal Union.” Ch. 14. In: George Alogoskoufis and Kevin Featherstone. eds. Pp. 324-334.  Greece and the Euro: From Crisis to Recovery. July 2021. E-book. Hellenic Observatory, LSE. Slides. Technical Appendix.

32. “Introduction.” In: Ioannides, Yannis M., editor. Recent Developments in the Economics of Housing. Edward Elgar. 2019. Vol. I. pp. ix–xxvi. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series. ISBN:978 1 78811 200 0  PDF.

31. “Housing and Labor Market Vacancies and Beveridge Curves: Theoretical Framework and Illustrative Statistics.” With Jeffrey E. Zabel.  In: Ioannides, Yannis M., editor. Recent Developments in the Economics of Housing. Vol. II. Edward Elgar. 2019. 53 pages. ISBN:978 1 78811 200 0 PDF

30. “A Conceptual Framework for Reforms versus Debt in the Context of a Fiscal Union within the European Monetary Union.” PDF. 153–171. In: N. da Costa Cabral et al. (eds.). The Euro and the Crisis: Perspectives for the Eurozone as a Monetary and Budgetary Union. Springer International. 2017.

29. “Thinking about Corruption in Greece.” with Costas Azariadis. PDF. Chapter 13. Pp. 589-620. In: C. Meghir, C.A. Pissarides, D. Vayanos, and N. Vettas (eds). Beyond Austerity: Reforming the Greek Economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. October 2017.

28. Greek version, Πέρα από τη Λιτότητα. Γιά Μία Νέα Δυναμική στην Ελληνική Κοινωνία. 639-674. Crete University Press. November 2017.

27. “Large versus Small States in The Eurozone, The Democratic Deficit, and Future Architecture.”  In: Michaelides, Alexander, and Athanasios Orphanides,  eds. The Cyprus Bail-in: Policy Lessons  from the Cyprus Economic Crisis. World Scientific – Imperial College Press. 2016. SummaryTextSlides  

26. “Identification of Social Interactions,” with Laurence E. Blume, William A. Brock, and Steven N. Durlauf, Ch. 18, 853–964. In Handbook of Social Economics,  Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin, and Matthew O. Jackson, eds., Elsevier,  2010. DOI pdf  Talk UT Dallas, Nov. 2010

25. “Neighborhood Effects and Housing,” Ch. 25, 1283–1342. In  Handbook of Social Economics,  Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin, and Matthew O. Jackson, eds., Elsevier, 2010. DOI pdf

24. “Emergence,” The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics,second edition, 2008, Steven N. Durlauf  and Laurence E. Blume, eds., Palgrave MacMillan, pdf

23. “Empirics of Social Interactions,” The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, second edition, 2008, Steven N. Durlauf  and Laurence E. Blume, eds. PalgraveMacMillan, pdf

22. “Economic Geography and the Spatial Evolution of Wages in the United States,” 335–357, in Anselin, Luc, Raymond Florax, and Sergio J. Rey, eds., Advances in Spatial Econometrics, Springer Verlag, 2004;   pdf

21. “Evolution of City Size Distributions,” with Xavier Gabaix, Chapter 53, 2341–2378, in J. Vernon Henderson and Jacques-Francois Thisse, eds., Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics IV: Cities and Geography, North-Holland, 2004. DOI  pdf SFIwp Image (by David Albouy)

20. “Nonlinear Neighborhood Interactions and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital, ” 75–112, in Bitros, George, and Yannis Katsoulakos, eds., Essays in Economic Theory, Growth and Labour Markets: A Festschrift in Honour of Emmanuel Drandakis, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2002. pdf

19. “Empirical Aspects of Two-Directional Intergenerational Transfers of Money and Time,” with Kamhon Kan, 314–331, in L.-A. Gerard-Varet, S.-C. Kolm, and Jean Mercier-Ythier, ed.,Economics of Reciprocity, Gift-Giving and Altruism,, MacMillan, 2000. pdf Final

18. “Regional Disparities in Greece: The Performance of Crete, Peloponnese and Thessaly,” with George Petrakos, Regional Development in Europe: An Assessment of Policy Strategies, EIB Papers/Cahiers, Vol. 5, No. 1, 30–58. European Investment Bank, Luxembourg, 2000. pdf

17. “Dynamic Evolution of the U.S. City Size Distribution,” with Linda H. Dobkins,, 217–260, in J. Huriot and J. Thisse, eds.,The Economics of Cities, Cambridge University Press, 2000. pdf

16. “The Evolution of Trading Structures,” in W. Brian Arthur, Steven M. Durlauf and David Lane, eds., The Economy as an Evolving, Complex System II, SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity,Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1997.    pdf

15. “The Dynamics of Housing Prices: An International Perspective,” with Peter Englund, in Economics in a Changing World Dieter Bos, editor, Volume 3, Chapter 10, 175-197, Proceedings, International Economic Association Tenth World Congress Moscow, August 1992, MacMillan, 1993.  PDF

14. “Diffusion of Technological Change and Economic Growth,” Chapter 8, 101-111, in A. E. Andersson, D. F. Batten and C. Karlsson, eds., Knowledge and Industrial Organization, Springer-Verlag, Berlin–Heidelberg, 1989. PDF

13. “Random Matching, The Intermediation Externality, and Optimal Risk Sharing,” in Scientific Annals: Essays in Honor of G. Christodoulopoulos, Th. Georgacopoulos, editor, Athens School of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, 1986, 54-71.

12. “Public Decision-Making under Uncertainty: Quantities vs. Prices,” Scientific Annals, The Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, 1984 , 51-85.

11. “Inventories, Rational Expectations and Sticky Prices,” with K. Chan, New Results in Inventory Research Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, August l982, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science and Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1984, 47-56.

10. “Taxation and the Distribution of Income and Wealth,” with R. Sato, in D. Biehl, K. Roskamp and W. Stolper, eds., Public Finance and Economic Growth, Proceedings, 37th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Tokyo, September 1981, Wayne State University Press 1983, 367-386.

Book Reviews, Comments and Other Publications

9. “Crisis and Intimacy.” Discussion of Michael Herzfeld. 201. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. 13(3):504–507. DOI

8.”Social Networks in Labor Markets,” with Antoni Calvo-Armengol, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, second edition, 2008, Steven N. Durlauf  and Laurence E. Blume, eds.PalgraveMacMillan, pdf

7. “Urban Growth,” with Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, second edition, 2008, Steven N. Durlauf  and Laurence E. Blume, eds., PalgraveMacMillan, pdf

6. “Book Review,” of Baldwin, Richard,  Economic Geography and Public Policy,  Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003. Journal of Regional Science, 44, 3, 2004, 590–594.

5. “Book Review” of Pagoulatos, George,   Greece’s New Political Economy: State, Finance and Growth from Postwar to EMU, Palgrave MacMillan, Houndsmill, Basinstoke,    Journal of Southeast  European and Black Sea Studies, 4, 1, 2004, 204–206.

4. “Book Review” of Cheshire, Paul, and Edwin S. Mills, editors,Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Volume 3, Applied Urban Economics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1999; Regional Science and Urban Economics, 33, 1, 2003, 121–125. DOI

3. “The Revolution in Information and Communication Technologies: Observations from the US Economy,” 189–200, in Katsoulacos, Yannis, ed., New Economy, the Internet and E-Commerce, Kerkyra Press, Athens, Greece, 2001 (in Greek).

2. “Review” of Colander, David, editor, The Complexity Vision and the Teaching of Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2000; Journal of Economic Literature, XXXIX, December 2001, 1224–1226.

1. “Comment on `The Dynamics of Housing Demand by the Elderly. I. Wealth, Cash Flow, and Demographic Effects’”, by Jonathan Feinstein and Daniel McFadden, in David A. Wise, ed., The Economics of Aging, The University of Chicago Press, 1988.

Posts, Talks and Writings in the Popular Press

Homer Hoyt Institute. The Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics. Palm Beach, FL. January 17, 2020. Related Lecture as Halbert C. Smith Honorary Fellow: “Vacancies in Housing and Labor Markets: Theory and Empirics.” PDF

“International Tourism and Short-run Growth: Reviewing the Trade-off in the Age of COVID-19,” with Yuxian Chen. 15 September 2020.

“Richard Thaler: Nobel Laureate in Economics, 2017.” Athens Review of Books, November 2017. (In Greek).

“Looking Beyond The Greek Crisis and Lessons for Europe.” Conferencia XREPP, Universitat de Girona, March 18, 2015. Slides

“Why Productivity Enhancing Reforms Will Help Greece Exit the Crisis and Usher in Long Run Growth.” Presented at Conference on Growth and Employment in Europe. Lucas Papademos, organizer. Megaron, Athens, May 12., 2014. Slides. VideoPDF.

“In the Greek Crisis: Where Are We? Where Do we Go from Here?”  The Hellenic Bar Association and the Boston University International Law Journal Conference .The Legal and Economic Long-term Effects of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Investment Opportunities they Create. Boston University January 17, 2014. Slides

Panel, “Urbanization and Development.” With Gilles Duranton and Stephen C. Sheppard. Williams College, October 17-18, 2013. Video.

“Large versus Small States in The Eurozone, The Democratic Deficit, and Future Architecture.”  Presented at Conference  “Cyprus: Five Years in the Eurozone,” Tassos Papadopoulos Foundation,  Nicosia, May 17-18, 2013. Text Slides 

“Privatizations and Long-Run Growth: Doing it Right?” Presentation at McGill University Conference, “How the Greek-Euro Crisis is Tranforming Europe and Greece?” April 4, 2013.    Text Slides  Greek summary

“Christopher A. Pissarides and the 2010 Nobel in Economic Sciences,” 54–57, Athens Review of Books, July–August 2012. Greek, English.

“Christopher A. Pissarides: The Scientist,” with Costas Azariadis, 42–43, Athens Review of Books, July–August 2012. In Greek, ARBIn English

“To Euro!” with Christopher A. Pissarides; Kathimerini, November 27, 2011.EnglishGreek.

“Greece, the Eurozone, and the Debt Crisis.” At 10th Anniversary Conference, A World of Crisis and Shifting Geopolitics, K. Karamanlis  Chair on Hellenic and European Studies, The Fletcher School, October 28, 2011. Pp. 59–71.

 Development is the Only Solution: 17 Proposals for a New Development Strategy” (in Greek), Kathimerini, with Costas Azariadis and Christopher A. Pissarides, October 12, 2010. Athens Review of Books version May 2011. English version

“The Greek Crisis of 2009 and the Future of the EMU.” Francesco Giavazzi and Yannis M. Ioannides. Greek Study Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard, April 30th, 2010: Yannis Ioannides slides.

 “Social Priorities and Education,” (in Greek), Kathimerini, September 17, 2006 pdf

“Economic Consequences of World War II for Greece,” a talk at the Maliotis Cultural Center, Brookline, Massachusetts, October 28, 2004.  pdf

 “An Economist’ Thoughts on the Economic Impact of Athens 2004,”  Athens 2004 Symposium, Hellenic Student Association, Harvard, April 17, 2002 pdf

Athens Review of Books, Special Issue on Christopher A. Pissarides, July-August 2012

Yannis M. Ioannides, editor.

Costas Azariadis and Yannis M. Ioannides. “Christopher A. Pissarides: The Scientist.”

Dale T. Mortensen. “Working with Chris Pissarides.”

Charles Bean. “Colleague and Friend, Modest and Approachable.”

Robert Solow. “About Christopher Pissarides.”

Olivier Blanchard. “Chris Pissarides.”

Steven Nickell. “Christopher Pissarides.”

James Albrecht and Susan Vroman. “Search and Unemployment: The Contribution of Christopher Pissarides.”

Barbara Petrongolo. “Scholar and Colleague.”

Robert Shimer. “The Contributions of Diamond, Mortensen and Pissarides.”

Yannis M. Ioannides. “Sir Christopher Pissarides and the 2010 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.”