10 Questions: Flying Cars, Zombies, and the Great Russian Novel: What Can They Teach Us About Becoming Better Leaders?

Leadership of global organizations involves an understanding of complex phenomena. Sometimes metaphors and cultural references are key to finding parallels,

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10 Questions: Is Growth for Good also Good for Growth?

Companies often view the social challenges that surround business opportunities – poverty, poor sanitation, loose governance structures – through the

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10 Questions: Can’t I just Tweet the Change I Want to See in the World? #InsertCatchyCallToArmsHere

Social media-driven revolutions have transformed the branding and mobilization of social movements. It would seem these leaderless revolutions have displaced

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10 Questions: What’s the Best Route to an innovative – Through City Hall or the Slum?

Does urban innovation get its start from governmental institutions and mandates, or through social movements and mass advocacy? Whereas city

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10 Questions: The U.S., China, or Estonia: Who Leads the Digital Planet?

Before becoming consumers of digital marketplaces, the current three billion Internet users started with surfing and emailing. But the next

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