
Leir Migration Monitor: The Road Ahead for U.S. Asylum and Migration Policies

Trump’s plans for tougher border enforcement won’t necessarily stop migrants from coming to the US – but their journeys could ...

Leir Migration Monitor: Humanitarian Tools of Prevention and Protection

Possibilities and limitations of anticipatory action in complex crises: acting in advance of flooding in South Sudan Article for ODI ...

Leir Migration Monitor: Pathways to Migrant Integration

Migrant Integration and the Psychology of National Belonging By Leir-affiliated faculty Aram Hur, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Kim Koo-Korea ...


Digital Portfolios of the Poor (DPP) is a multi-year, multi-country project aimed at creating better digital financial products for the poor by understanding how emerging technologies are viewed, used, understood, and perceived in low-income settings, particularly among women.

Disrupted Mobilities is a multimedia project inspired by the Leir-sponsored 2019 documentary, Waylaid in Tijuana, that explores the intersecting effects of blocked asylum, deportation, and restricted cross-border movement in communities along the US-Mexico border.

Hopes, Fears, and Illusions (HFI) examines how U.S.-bound migrants assess risk and process information along their journeys to the U.S.-Mexico border through in-depth field work with migrants on the move in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico.

Journeys Project (JP) examines migrant stories to better understand the costs and strategies involved in their journeys as well as the economic approaches they use when putting down roots in new surroundings. 

The Leadership in Migration Initiative (LMI) has as a primary goal to establish a comprehensive understanding of migration leadership through global best practices and real-world experiences, fostering constructive dialogues on effective leadership in this domain.

The Refugees in Towns (RIT)  promotes understanding of the migrant/refugee integration experience by drawing on the knowledge and perspectives of refugees themselves as well as local hosts.  

Leir Briefing Room

Migration and human security, simplified. Three-minute briefs written by the Fletcher School's expert faculty and home of the Leir Migration Monitor newsletter. It centralizes the Leir Institute's research and analysis for practitioners and policymakers, providing clear, concise information on migration and human security. For clear, concise foundational content, start here.