The Data Lab maintains several geospatial resources. The Data Lab also provides assistance with locating GIS data.
- Tufts Geoportal Information – GeoData@Tufts is the Tufts Geospatial Data Repository which allows you to search, discover, preview, interact, and download geospatial data from university repositories. This is an excellent place to start looking for data!
- Online Resources, Geoportals, and Clearinghouses – The Data Lab and Geospatial Technologies provides a categorized list of online GIS data sources. Resources are broken down by geographic region, subject and clearing house.
- Tufts Networked Resources – The Data Lab maintains a GIS data file server (the M Drive) that contains frequently used GIS datasets that are available to the Tufts Community.
- CD-ROM/DVD Resources – The Data Lab owns several CDs & DVDs of GIS data. The materials do not circulate and can only be used within the Data Lab. Please see our page for more information.