Locations & Hours

The Data Lab spaces in Tisch Library (Medford) and Hirsh Health Sciences Library (Boston) are open and have the same hours as the respective libraries. Data Lab Assistant support is available both online via live chat and in-person at our Boston and Medford locations.

The Medford Data Lab

Tisch Library, Room 203
35 Professors Row
Medford, Ma, 02155
Support Email: DataLab-Support@elist.tufts.edu

Here is a campus map, with directions to Tisch Library and the floor plan of the library.

The Boston Data Lab

Hirsh Health Sciences Library (HHSL), 5th Floor
145 Harrison Ave
Boston, Ma, 02111
Support Email: DataLab-Support@elist.tufts.edu

Here is a campus map, with directions to Hirsh Health Sciences Library (HHSL).

Hours of Operation

The Medford Data Lab holds the same hours as the Tisch library. The Computing Lab is open at all times the library is open. It is staffed with student lab assistants who can assist you during their scheduled hours (see calendar below).

The Instructional Classroom is in the back of the Data Lab and is open for use except when a class or workshop is in session. Regularly scheduled classes are posted around the Data Lab and an up to date, interactive calendar is posted here for your convenience. This calendar shows the Lab Assistant hours and the Data Lab Classroom schedule.

The Boston Data Lab holds the same hours as the Hirsh Health Sciences Library.  The public computing lab is open at all times the library is open. It is staffed with student lab assistants who can assist you during their scheduled hours (see calendar below).

The Big Lab (room 514) and Little Lab (room 510) are instructional classrooms within the Data Lab space. They are open for use except when a class or workshop is in session. Regularly scheduled classes on Tufts Room Reservation System.  Lab Assistant support hours are listed below.