Author: Marya Schnedeker (Page 2 of 2)

Carbon Fiber Clamping System for the CNC Router

At Bray, we use a slotted spoil board with our CNC Router. This enables us to attach clamps to a t-slotted table below:

One of the legs in the foam jig

In the past, we have used the Rockler Hold Down Clamps to secure material. However, this clamp can damage our router bits due to  collisions with the clamps:

We 3D printed clamps to mitigate this issue. The PLA and ABS plastic clamps prevented damage to the bits from collision:

However,the plastic clamps cracked under the clamping forces:


The clamps were then printed with a combination of nylon and carbon fiber on a Markforged Mark Two 3D Printer:

These clamps were much stronger and able to flex without cracking. The clamps were tested on the mill to simulate a bit collision.  The milled carbon fiber broke into fairly large chips.  There was a concern that the carbon fiber and nylon material might melt onto the bit. However, the bit came out clean. Check out the video clip below:

Testing carbon fiber clamp on mill


Field Trip: WIT, MassART and MFA

Wentworth Institute of Technology

The Bray Lab staff and summer interns visited the Center for Applied Research at Wentworth Institute of Technology in their Department of Architecture. The Center supports bachelors (sophomore year and above) and masters students in Architecture – around 450 students.


Vacuum Forming Process at WIT

The newest edition to the Center – Kuka Robotic Arm


Lee MacDonald, Studio Manager at MassART gave us a tour of some of the fabrication spaces at MassART.


Finally, we wrapped up our field trip with a visit to the Museum of Fine Art which offers free admission for Tufts students.

Below is a picture of how Charles and Ray Eames applied the methods they used for designing and making furniture to creating mass-producible leg braces during World War II:


Group photo in the Japanese Garden:




Field Trip: Artisan’s Asylum

This week the Bray Lab staff and summer interns visited Artisan’s Asylum, a non-profit community fabrication center in a 40,000 square foot warehouse located in Somerville.

Artisan's Asylum

We got a chance to checkout the setup of their equipment stations:

Artisan's Asylum - Soldering Station

Artisan’s Asylum – Soldering Station

Artisan's Asylum - Jewelry Station

Artisan’s Asylum – Jewelry Station

Artisan's Asylum - Casting Room

Artisan’s Asylum – Casting Room

as well as their storage methods:

Artisan’s Asylum – Vertical Storage


We met the Overhaul robot featured in BattleBots and spoke with one of its makers.

Artisan's Asylum - BattleBots

Artisan’s Asylum – Overhaul BattleBot


We checked out some of the builds to gain inspiration for projects in Bray.

Artisan’s Asylum – Coffee Table



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