Educators in Nepal Share How Playful Engineering-Based Learning Has Transformed Their Teaching

Four of the teachers who participated in Karkhana Samuha’s PEBL teaching certificate program shared their experiences at a poster session at the closing event. Playful learning is a dramatic cultural shift from how class is traditionally taught in Nepal. However, these trailblazing teachers embraced it and transformed their teaching. They shared their stories hoping to inspire other teachers to do the same.

Tilak Raj Chundali

I reflect on how my pedagogy has changed. I used to think silent classes were good, but now I question classrooms where only the teacher talks. I think interaction is essential for students to learn. Asking students the right questions makes them curious. I have realized the importance of effective feedback and reflection in setting a classroom culture that promotes learning. Read more…

Shreeram Shrestha

I have been experimenting with allowing students to play freely and figure out the activities on their own during PEBL classes. I have realized that free play allows students to use their creativity and come up with diverse solutions rather than constraining them in a guided or specific structure. Read more…

Sabina Adhikari

Providing the students an environment for free play allows them to exercise their creativity and hone their collaborative skills. They have surprised me and even themselves with the projects they have created. Read more…

Buddha Lama

[Teachers] were delighted to know that they could bring just experiences to their students with nothing more than some cutouts of geometrical shape and a piece of paper. They left with the idea that a teacher’s mindset, not resources, are obstacles to delivering hands-on learning. Read more…

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