This podcast series has been developed and workshopped by students in Cathy Stanton’s food studies courses over the past four semesters. It offers a toolkit for rethinking
- what food waste is (hint: not always what you think)
- how we interact with it
- how we might change the conditions that produce and even require it.
There are seven episodes, for a total of about an hour.
Listen to the podcast episodes on Spotify:
- Ep 1: There’s an elephant in your refrigerator.
- Ep 2: There’s no such thing as food waste.
- Ep 3: Trust your senses when it comes to food!
- Ep 4: There’s far too much food in our food system.
- Ep 5: Scaling up is a solution that turns into a problem.
- Ep 6: Waste and want are two problems that only seem to solve each other.
- Ep 7: We need to connect upstream and downstream.
Podcast and video episodes produced by Caroline Bewley, Jess Kamin, and Lena Leavitt. Music by Jordan Roach. Original artwork by Annabel Nied.