Off-Campus Food Rescue 
- Due to COVID-19, shift protocol has been updated.
- Shifts can be done by one or two volunteers. However, it is recommended to do shifts in pairs if possible!
- One volunteer must have a valid U.S driver’s license and either have access to a personal vehicle or be registered to use the OCL van.
- Volunteers must adhere to the COVID protocols of the partner organizations.
- Before signing up for a shift, volunteers must thoroughly read the van rescue checklist and complete all the items listed.
- Volunteers must be able to lift boxes between 10-35 lbs.
- There are currently 3 shifts available:
- Friday mornings
- Target Somerville -> Project Soup
- Saturday mornings: Shift #1
- Whole Foods Somerville -> Loaves and Fishes Pantry
- Saturday mornings: Shift #2
- Whole Foods Medford -> Loaves and Fishes Pantry
- Friday mornings
- Interested in volunteering for a van shift with LCS, or have any questions? Email us!
Dining Hall Food Rescue
We are happy to be back after a year-long pause! We have mainly been operating daily shifts at Dewick, and have made a few updates to our protocol:
- Instead of signing up for random dates, pairs of volunteers sign up for a weekly slot that they will keep for the entire semester.
- Any others who wish to volunteer can sign up to be a backup (to fill in when the regular volunteers are unavailable).
- Hairnets, gloves, and aprons are still required.
- Volunteers must thoroughly read the Dewick protocols and watch the Training Video before attending their shifts.
Upcoming Project: Label Printer!
In partnership with Food For Free, we are currently in the process of implementing a digital label printer for the meal trays (instead of having volunteers handwrite each one). This is much more efficient and also allows for the meals to be translated into Haitian Creole, which helps the recipients to have a better idea of their meals.
Want to get involved?
Most shifts are currently full, but you can sign up to be a backup via this Google Doc. You can also join our Slack channel, follow us on Instagram (@tuftsfoodrescue), or email us at if you have any questions!