How to eat trash – May 3 at Crafts House
It’s great to see the savvy students at Crafts House pushing back against the “scarcity” narratives that drive so much food policy and advocacy (i.e. “there’s not enough food to feed everyone” or “we have to keep producing more food because the world’s population is growing”). They’re holding a special dinner this Thursday, May 3 at 6:30 pm where you can eat good food that was rescued from supermarket dumpsters and talk about some of the many big questions that arise from the overwhelming amount of overproduction and wasted food in our industrial food system.
Join them at 14 Professors Row if you’d like to dig into some of those questions over a delicious meal!
And if you’d like to catch up with the evolving discussions at Crafts House around wasted food and dumpstering, here’s a 10-minute video that follows the rise and fall (and open-ended future) of the Gleaners Kitchen, a project led by alum Maximus Thaler.