#MeToo in the food industry

From McDonald’s to the kitchens of fine dining restaurants, there is a lot of discussion in the food world about sexual harassment in the workplace. Hundreds of McDonald’s employees left their positions to protest outside of the company’s headquarters in Chicago in early September, uncovering a long history of sexual harassment in McDonald’s establishments. Some survivors even moved to file charges against the company.
The #MeToo movement in the food industry is not just in fast food. Stories have emerged in the past two years of harassment within fine dining kitchens and established restaurant groups. From Mario Batali and John Beck to Ken Friedman, former culinary titans have been exposed for sexually harassing their female employees.
Even closer to home, Tufts Dining workers, who voted to form a union last year and are in the process of negotiating their first contract with the administration, have spoken out about harassment as well. Join the Tufts Dining Action Coalition and Action for Sexual Assault Prevention this Friday, November 2, to stand in solidarity with Tufts Dining workers and hear their stories.