
Open Houses and Admitted Student Receptions!

We recently had the pleasure of hosting an unforgettable evening at the Fletcher Admitted Students and Alumni Meet and Greet reception in Washington, DC. The event, held on Monday at the National Press Club, brought together a diverse group of individuals united by their shared passion for global affairs.

With dozens of admitted students and DC-area alums in attendance, the atmosphere was electric as guests traded stories, exchanged ideas, and forged meaningful connections. It was a testament to the vibrant and supportive community that defines the Fletcher School! Throughout the evening, attendees had the opportunity to engage with members of our faculty and staff, including Academic Dean Monica Toft, Professor Rockford Weitz, Professor Fay Pazartzis, Associate Dean Adam Herman Liz Riddle, and myself.

One of the highlights of the evening was a moving toast delivered by Samantha Hubner (F22), a Fletcher alumna currently serving as an AI Policy Advisor at the White House. Samantha’s reflections on her journey and the impact of her Fletcher education underscored the transformative power of our community and inspired all in attendance.


The fun doesn’t end yet! We are currently hosting an Open House for Admitted Students today, and will be hosting one more in person event on April 9 as admitted students finalize their enrollment plans. We are excited to continue welcoming new members into our vibrant community.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to celebrate and nurture the Fletcher community together.

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