Early Notification

General Admissions News

Early Notification Application Deadline – November 10

This time of year is notable in many ways, including peak Pumpkin Industrial Complex activity and horror movie reruns on basic cable (did you know there are now at least THREE movies that can reasonably be referred to as “Halloween II?”), but in this space it’s squarely Application Deadline Reminder Season. As such, I’ll remind you that the November 10 application deadline for Early Notification is approaching.

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Admissions Tips

Early notification decisions, or the lack thereof

Thanks to all of you who made the effort to submit your applications for Early Notification consideration. By this time of year it’s been a while since our office has read applications in significant numbers, and the “EN” round is a good warmup for the larger pool to come at the January 10 regular deadline. Mostly, though, it’s just fun to read applications. Applicants to Fletcher are an interesting and inspiring bunch, and although we can’t admit everyone, I learn something new from virtually every application I read.

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Admissions Tips

Early Notification FAQs

Blog readers by this point are surely aware of the upcoming application deadline for Early Notification (EN) consideration. The fact that November 15 – a mere ten days from now – is the date to remember for those planning to get their applications together for early evaluation is, I assume, common knowledge that needs no further belaboring. Even Murray, this blog’s official Minister of Deadline and Other Action Item Reminders, is pretty tapped out by the prospect of another deadline reminder. It’s good to know that we’re all on the same page here, and on our end we’ll be looking forward to receiving all your applications! As applicants get ready to submit their materials, it seems a good time to discuss several common questions we receive regarding the EN deadline.

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