
About FletcherOur Students

8th Annual Conference on Gender and International Affairs

A flagship annual event is upon us, readers. Next week will see the 8th Annual Conference on Gender and International Affairs take place at Fletcher. It’s an exciting event not only for its subject-area focus, which has established itself as one of the most popular at Fletcher in the past decade, but also for the fact that it’s an entirely student-organized and led event. It’s also open to the public, and I’d encourage anyone in our area to consider checking it out.

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General Admissions News

On the road

As I know I’ve mentioned before, this “season” is an exciting one as it’s allowed us to start getting back to in-person events that have been off the table the past few years. To wit: I’m in New York City for the early portion of this week, representing Fletcher at Idealist and APSIA events, and conducting some interviews and individual admissions appointments on the ground in NYC. It’s my first real recruitment travel since 2019!

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About FletcherOur Students

Decolonizing International Relations Conference

One of my favorite annual Fletcher events took place recently, feeling refreshingly back to normal for its in-person format. The Decolonizing International Relations Conference is notable not only for its fascinating content, but for the fact that it is an entirely student-organized affair. It’s become one of Fletcher’s major annual scholarly events in a short time, and we have the initiative and energy of our student community to thank for it.

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About Fletcher

Convocation 2021

At some point I promise I’ll stop harping on the thrill of Fletcher returning to life in-person, but as each major academic year milestone comes around it’s hard not to be struck by how nice it is for things to seem kind of normal again. That’s certainly the case for Friday’s Convocation ceremonies, one of the few events each year that brings together nearly the entire Fletcher community of students, faculty, and staff.

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