Welcome to Fletcher’s Office of Admissions Web News! If you are reading this entry, you are probably exploring options for your graduate studies in international relations, and thinking of applying to The Fletcher School. I encourage you to learn as much as you can about the School during this process, and the web site is a great place to start.
Fall semester classes are well under way and we are experiencing wonderful September weather in the Boston area. For the admissions office, this time of year means that many of us are on the road, offering information sessions at colleges or participating in graduate school fairs, in cities throughout the world. We may be visiting a site near you. Check our travel schedule to find out.
If you live nearby, or can arrange to travel here, I encourage you to visit us. You are welcome any time to attend classes, and explore the Fletcher complex and Tufts University campus. General Information Sessions, with ample opportunity to learn and ask questions, are offered most weeks on Monday and Friday. Evaluative interviews are an informative and helpful part of the admissions process. We offer 30 interview appointments each week, generally with current students who can share their experience with you. To schedule an interview, contact the Admissions Office.
For all of us at Fletcher – students, faculty, alumni, and staff – the community is key. I hope you will take the time to learn about our vibrant community of scholars and practitioners as you consider where to pursue graduate studies. The Admissions Office looks forward to hearing from you as you move through the admissions process. Please contact us with your questions.
Dates to note:
October 15: Deadline for applications for January 2007 enrollment
November 15: Deadline for Early Notification applications for September 2007 enrollment
Ongoing: Plan a visit to the campus, arrange for standardized tests, request recommendations from professors and workplace supervisors.