Welcome to Fletcher Admissions, 2009-2010!

Welcome (or welcome back) to the Admissions Blog, where we try to provide useful information to guide applicants through the admissions process.

Today, Fletcher kicks off the new academic year:  Students are back in force, making the building feel like a completely different place from where I worked all summer.

We’re also kicking off the new admissions cycle, and we’ll be jumping right into the heart of our work:  Admissions staffers start fall travel this week.  We have a growing number of visitors, and we’ll be training the first group of student interviewers on Friday.

Tomorrow, the blog will present the first installment of introductions to our staff.  I’ve asked my admissions pals (Laurie, Peter, Roxana, Jeff, Liz, and Kristen) to provide a one-paragraph answer to two of the questions our applicants face each year.  We’ll start off by telling readers something about ourselves that you wouldn’t otherwise know.  To be honest, convincing my fellow staffers to write something even a little personal for the blog is not an easy job!  But I hope the coming entries will help connect you to the office or, who knows, even give you a source of conversation topics should you meet us.  So stay tuned!

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