General Admissions News

Back on track, post-storm

The Admissions Office (and all of Tufts University) is back in action today.  Hurricane Sandy brought a lot of flooding to coastal areas, but left Medford/Somerville in pretty good shape.  I managed to accomplish quite a bit yesterday, reading my small batch of applications without benefit of electricity when we lost power around mid day, and cooking up my applesauce once the power came back on and I knew I’d have a refrigerator to store it in.

Digressing just a bit here, I’ll show you my Yankee apple peeler:

It takes off the peel and cuts the apple into spirals:

A classic kitchen tool that I happen to love.

But, as I said, we’re back to work today, and there’s catching up to do.  A quick reminder that the deadline for Early Notification applications is coming soon:  Thursday, November 15.  We’ve just offered positions on the Admissions Committee to a group of students and, once they respond (accepting the offer, I hope), we’ll be ready to gear up for reading!

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