Admissions Tips

Your invitation to Application Boot Camp

Applicants, listen up!  My Admissions pal, Christine, and I have been cooking up a week of tips and suggestions to help you as you think about your application to Fletcher for January or September 2015.  We’ll be running through all the key parts of the application and we strongly encourage you to pay attention!

Christine and I have been thinking about this little feature since the summer began, actually sitting down to write it only last week – yes, even we procrastinate!  We’re calling it Application Boot Camp, and here’s the schedule:

Monday: Writing good essays

Tuesday: Test scores and transcripts

Wednesday: Arranging for supportive recommendations

Thursday: Finishing touches – interviews, résumés, and other things under your control

Friday: Using the online application

The posts will be tagged so that you can read them now and refer back later on to double check that you’re following our instructions.

See you at Boot Camp on Monday!

2 thoughts on “Your invitation to Application Boot Camp

  • Hi Yera — it will be a blog series, running all through next week. Thanks for checking!

  • Hi, Jessica – thank you, this would be very helpful. Is the Boot Camp happening via webex or as a blog series?

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