General Admissions News

Spring Breaking

It’s a beautiful day, but the Tufts campus is notably depopulated, thanks to Spring Break.  As I tromped up from my bus this morning, I passed only two students, and it was quiet enough that I could hear a woodpecker on a distant tree.  There were precisely zero people in the Hall of Flags when I walked through.

Fletcher students approach Spring Break in a number of ways.  Some folks stay in town, work on internship/job searches, write their capstones, or otherwise use the time to lift some pressure from the end of the semester.  Others will visit friends or family, or travel for a few days with fellow students.  But more and more students are pursuing structured travel options, such as the Israel/Palestine Trek, which promises meetings “with prominent Israelis and Palestinians in the political, business, and security sectors,” or the Colombia Trek, where participants “will engage with government, NGO, rebel, and U.S. actors to better understand how Colombia can navigate the road to reunification,” following the signing of the country’s peace agreement.  Past participants in Fletcher treks have reported an exciting, if exhausting, week of travel and learning with friends and peers.  Note that these treks are student-organized and unofficial opportunities.

As for those of us left behind in Admissions, we’ll continue the upstream swim to stay ahead of our inboxes, but there will be less traffic in and out of the office from current students and faculty.  For one week, the building is owned by the staff.  The perfect working conditions as we start our second week following releasing decisions.  And with that, I’m going to turn to email.  But before I do, a quick reminder that I still want to know what you want to read!  If you haven’t already completed the blog suggestions survey, please do!


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