General Admissions News

A Few Brief Notes on the Admissions Office Schedule

Every day, a few more prospective students complete their applications for Fall 2007 Fletcher admission. The Admissions Office staff prints the on-line forms and materials, matches them with transcripts and test scores, and creates an application file. We’ll be flooded with material in January, but so far we’re keeping up with the steady flow of mail that arrives each day.

We want applicants to know that The Fletcher School will be closed on December 25, 26, and 29, and on January 1. We will continue to take telephone and email inquiries during that period, but please be patient if response time is not as quick as usual.

In addition, you may want to note that the application deadline of Monday, January 15, 2007 is also the public holiday to mark the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. There will be no U.S. mail delivery on that day so, of course, we will accept materials that arrive a day late. If you have a technical problem with the application on the 15th, send us an email on the day so that we will still consider the application on-time when we help to resolve the problem on the 16th.