General Admissions News

At the End of the Fall Semester

Yesterday morning, Fletcher students (and the rest of us in the Boston area) saw the first snow of the season. Quite a change from the unusually warm weather we experienced through much of November. In the Admissions Office, we are completing the work we usually associate with the fall semester: All office travel is complete, we know which newly-admitted students will join us in January, and we will make decisions within the next two weeks on the applications that met our Early Notification deadline.

We are also in the final weeks of our evaluative interview process. As I write, only three interview appointments remain open, all in January. I always enjoy meeting applicants in interviews and this year has been no exception. In fact, I’m fortunate to have met a large number of very well prepared applicants this fall. What’s best is simply that they’re interesting people – the sort that I would want to talk to under any circumstances, not only because it is a part of my work.

We have started to receive applications for September 2007 that will be considered after the January 15 deadline. If you are preparing your application, there are a few steps you can take to ensure everything goes smoothly. First, please arrange as early as possible for Fletcher to receive official copies of your test scores. Ensure that your recommenders complete their letters in a timely way. If they are submitting the recommendations on-line, your application will be held in “the system” until the letters have been attached. Give your university extra time to mail the transcript, and remember that you need to submit a transcript for every university you attended. More information on applying is included on our web site.