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Prospective Student Q&A

Apologies for the long silence between posts! The office is always busy at this time of year, though the pace becomes more manageable as we head deeper into April.

Admitted students keep the phone ringing and email flying with questions. We’re always glad to hear from you! But it may save you some time if I answer your question before you need to call or write. Here are some Qs (and some As) that we hear most often.

Q: I would like to pursue a joint degree. Will Fletcher allow me to defer my enrollment?
A: Fletcher will approve a deferral of up to one year (two semesters) to allow students to start a joint degree at another institution. Prospective students needing more than one year before enrolling should plan to reapply. Anyone wanting a deferral needs to apply – it isn’t automatic – but you can submit your request by email.

Q: The law/business/other school with which I want to pursue a joint degree is not on Fletcher’s list of “official” joint degrees. How will that work?
A: We’ll help you to arrange the joint degree that suits your career and study goals. When I speak to students putting together an ad hoc joint degree, I always suggest that they contact the registrar as soon as they enroll at Fletcher. You won’t be able to transfer in your first-year torts/finance/language class, but with careful homework, you will find classes that meet Fletcher’s requirements. (You should also be sure to work with the other school. Our experience is that many other schools are less flexible than Fletcher.)

Q: Can I make my decision after the deadline named in my admission letter?
A: No. There are many administrative reasons why Fletcher needs to know how many students will enroll, but we don’t expect you to care about that. On the other hand, we want you to remember that there are students waiting on the wait list, and we hope you will respect their need for a speedy answer as to whether they will be admitted. We won’t know if we need to go to the wait list until we have heard from the students we have already admitted.

Q: I hope to work when I’m at Fletcher. How can I arrange it?
A: There are many administrative jobs available each year at Fletcher, as well as elsewhere at the University. Fletcher jobs are usually “advertised” via a student listserve. Jobs elsewhere at the University can be found through the Student Employment office.

Q: What about research or teaching assistantships?
A: These positions are arranged directly with the hiring department or professor. It can be difficult for you to arrange a teaching assistant position for your first semester, regardless of your qualifications, but there are often opportunities in the second semester. Many professors hire research assistants in the fall, so even first-year students will be eligible. Research assistants are paid an hourly wage, while teaching assistants are often paid per course. (I also want to say that teaching assistants do not teach Fletcher students. Professors teach, but the assistants might arrange course materials or do other “behind the scenes” work.)

I’ll keep my eye on my email inbox and post more Q&A if it seems helpful. Meanwhile, we look forward to hearing from you and meeting you!