General Admissions News

Come on Over!

Several of our recent entries have mentioned that we’re preparing for the fall and the 2007-08 admissions cycle. Now you can join us in getting ready by scheduling a visit. The full schedule of Information Sessions and Evaluative Interviews will start on Monday, September 17, by which time classes will be in full swing. (Check out our class schedule if you would like to sit in on any particularly class, or meet a certain professor.)

If you know when you will be in the Boston area, or if you’re ready to make that decision, please do yourself a favor and schedule your interview now. Although you may be successful in September if you call for a last minute appointment, we’ll almost never have anything available on short notice in November. We hate to turn anyone away! Book your appointment now!

Fletcher applicants (as well as our students and alumni) are a mobile bunch. If you wish you could participate in an interview, but you are leaving in July for a year in a remote location, we would be happy to try to accommodate you this summer. Although we encourage everyone to visit when classes are in session, and we have only very limited times available for summer interviews, we understand that the fall schedule may not work for everyone.

So, come on over! We’re looking forward to meeting you!

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