General Admissions News

Wrapping up the Summer

By the end of this month, nearly 200 new Fletcher students will arrive on campus, and their experienced classmates will follow a week later. I often find the summer’s work pace very satisfying. But I’m really happy that we’ll soon have the students back!

This will be the last “Admissions News” entry for the summer and I want to bring readers up-to-date on the results of some of our recent work.

First, prospective applicants may want to know that the new application is ready and waiting for you! You can start an application and save your work whenever you’re ready.

If you think you’ll be able to visit campus, now is a great time to make an appointment for an interview. Our full schedule of interviews will be up-and-running on Monday, September 17. That’s when we’ll start our twice-weekly (Monday and Friday, 12:30 p.m.) Information Sessions, too. Take a look at the Visit Fletcher section of the Admissions web site for other ideas for your visit, including the dates for our Thursday afternoon Information Sessions.

If you won’t be able to visit, you may find that we’ll be in your neighborhood. Check out our travel schedule to see if there will be a graduate school fair, or a visit to a college or university, in your town. New dates are added every day, so check back again if you don’t find what you’re looking for.

Finally, I mentioned in my last entry that we have a new staff member. Kate Elliott joined us in July, following a stint as a college counselor, and several years of admissions experience at Union College in New York. We’re excited to have her join us, though we’ll soon be sending her out on the road!

Classes, and a new year of admissions work, begin on Tuesday, September 4. Meanwhile, I wish you a happy end of summer!