General Admissions News

Busy Busy

I had high hopes for writing a long and newsy post today, but it looks like time and the schedule are conspiring against me. I want to post at least a little something, though, because I want to test-drive my new blog software. So here goes…

We admissions folk are keeping more than busy these days. At least half the staff is out of the office each day. Kate is on her way home from Michigan. Roxana is on her way to Denver. Kristen is on vacation in Morocco (o.k., so it’s not only work that keeps us busy). Next week, there will be a different line-up. Kate will be back, but Laurie and Peter will be gone. So it goes.

Monday was our deadline for applications to enroll in January. The total number of applications is much smaller than the crop we’ll read in January, but they still need to be read. I’ll be taking some home tonight. Applicants should hear from us by the first week in December, which doesn’t leave a lot of turnaround time for any of us. Somehow, it always works out. People manage to pack their bags, get their visas, and find a place to live, all in time to be in class by mid-January.

There’s so much happening at Fletcher these days, but I’m going to hold the details for a future post, which I hope to write by Monday. (We’ll see how it goes). Meanwhile, please keep our Early Notification deadline of November 15 in mind. And always feel free to contact our office with questions.

(So far so good with the new blog software, but I can’t see the button for linking to an email address.  While I look into it, here’s the email address for your questions: