Meet Our Student Staff
Who are those people who answer the Admissions Office phone? Who writes back when you send your questions to Many times, you’ll be reaching a Fletcher student who works in the Admissions Office. We love our student workers! They fulfill a vital need, and they also keep us current on student news. They generally have rich pre-Fletcher employment, which makes them both perfectly suited to representing the school, and way overqualified for some their other tasks, which they nonetheless complete with good cheer. Over the next week, I’ll post self-introductions from our second-year staffers. First up, Corinne, who writes:
Classes have already been going for almost four weeks, and I’ve already got several things due and a ton of reading to catch up on.
I should introduce myself: My name is Corinne and I’m a second-year MALD student. I work at the Office of Admissions and lead one of the office’s two weekly information sessions. I’ve been working with the lovely people at the Admissions Office for about a year now and am usually put to work handling the mail, responding to your emails, and answering any questions applicants might have about life and academics at The Fletcher School. I’m also the only second-year working at the Office of Admissions who lives in Blakeley Hall, the on-campus housing for Fletcher students.
Like all the other MALD students, I have chosen two Fields of Studies: International Business Relations and International Environment and Natural Resources Policy. What that really means is that I’m combining my interest in promoting responsible international environmental management, with concrete business skills. My thesis focus (because it’s now time to really get started on it) is on developing business strategies to encourage access to energy in developing countries.
I spent this summer in D.C. doing an internship for the AES Corporation – a global power company with investments in 57 countries. I worked on a political risk project, developing a quantitative tool to measure their exposure to a variety of non-financial risks. The project was incredibly relevant to some of the course work I’d done in my International Financial Management course with Professor Jacque. I also had the opportunity to work on developing AES’s strategy, and got the chance to learn more about advances in clean energy technology.
Before coming to Fletcher, I lived in London, where I worked for a non-profit dedicated to protecting wildlife in Africa, and before that, was the international sales manager for a large art gallery in St. James’s.