General Admissions News

What will I find if I visit in the summer?

We plan to post our fall interview schedule soon, and I’ll let blog readers know when it’s in place. Meanwhile, what if your only choice is to visit this summer? What will you find?

Last summer, when I went up and down the East Coast with my son, we were welcomed by universities with a full schedule of info sessions, tours, and interviews. At Fletcher, we don’t offer the full array of options. We find that most of our applicants want to visit while classes are in session. It’s really the best way to get a sense of what your Fletcher experience will be like. As a result, there isn’t great demand for summer information sessions, and to be truthful, we don’t have a large enough staff to run sessions for only one or two people at a time.

But sometimes prospective students don’t have any choice. This is the one time they can visit. If you’re one of those people, what should you do?

Well, you should visit, of course! But you should keep your expectations realistic. The School is very quiet. There are few students around, and professors come and go, but they don’t keep regular office hours. The Admissions Office is generally open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 5:00, but it’s best to call first to be sure there hasn’t been a change to our schedule. We have a few appointments on the schedule each week for evaluative interviews, and we’ll try to accommodate your requests. If you applied this past year, you don’t need to stick to the interview appointments, but please do tell us you’re coming. That way we can be sure there will be someone here to meet with you.

So if this is your one opportunity, come visit! But be realistic about what you’ll find here — a warm welcome from the Admissions Office, but not a lot of activity.