About FletcherGeneral Admissions News

What's Happening?

This past winter, I was suffering from “blogger’s block.” I don’t feel blocked at the moment, but the summer work of the Admissions Office doesn’t always lend itself to fascinating posts. Here’s some of the stuff we’re working on: arranging fall travel; revising published materials; reorganizing the admissions web site to make it easier to find degree-specific information; checking in with incoming students who have been asked to pursue language study during the summer; cleaning out files; and just organizing everything so we’re good to go when the pace picks up in September.

One thing we’re not working on at the moment is the Wait List. We’re carefully watching enrollments, but we have not admitted anyone during the last month. Although the class size seems to be holding steady, there’s still the possibility that we will draw from the wait list, particularly in the next few weeks. I should mention that every wait listed applicant will ultimately receive a final decision.

Matching the slower pace is lighter staffing. We don’t have our crew of student workers, though we have a couple of people helping out. And staff members come and go — taking vacations (including a honeymoon for Kate) or just a day off here and there. Admissions people tend not to take much vacation time between September and May, and we’re lucky to have a day when everyone is in the office in the summer.

I’ve been chasing down more book recommendations from the professors, and I hope to post a new list soon. I’ll also continue to write a little of this and a little of that to keep readers informed about our activities. Like the work pace, the writing pace will pick up in September.