General Admissions News


I ordinarily work a part-time schedule, but for the next three weeks, I’ll be at Fletcher only part-part-time. My family and I will be away for about a week in England, where we’ll have a chance to meet my new (not yet two-months-old) niece in London, and take a trip to see my brother-in-law in Cornwall. But the remainder of the three weeks, aside from a few days in the office, will be spent at home, tied up in part with getting my kids ready for school. My daughter, Kayla, and I have already picked up new soccer cleats that accommodate all ten of her toes (unlike the pair she had just outgrown), which leaves pencils, notebooks, etc., as the main as-yet-unpurchased items. She starts soccer team tryouts more than a week before school begins, which I suppose is a nice entryway into the large community she’ll be joining.

The more formidable task I face is getting Josh ready for college. So far we have picked up the size “twin extra-long” sheets required for dormitory living, and we’ve agreed he’ll grab out of his room the things he already owns (lamp, alarm clock, etc.), so that we can avoid extra shopping. He knows the name of his advisor and of his roommate, and it’s all becoming very real!

I’m excited about Josh’s coming college career — more excited, probably, than he is. I’m also nervous for him — possibly less nervous than he is. And I’m a little sad, though ready, to experience the change in our family structure that launching a child will entail.

I’ll continue to write something for the blog whenever I’m in the office this month. And I have some guest bloggers lined up! Regular admissions-newsy posts will pick up again on September 2, when all our students are in place for “shopping day,” the precursor to classes, which start on the 3rd.