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It's a great day for an election!

It’s a beautiful day in the Medford/Somerville metro area!  Temperatures are mild, and the trees are still covered with leaves in shades of orange and red, making the air seem to glow.  A record number of Massachusetts residents are expected to head to the polls:  3.1 million voters is what I heard this morning.  And that is despite the fact that, as the “bluest of blue states,” no presidential candidate bothers to campaign here!  Whether you’re in the U.S. or not, you may have seen pictures of McCain or Obama in front of huge adoring crowds.  Trust me — none of those pictures were taken anywhere near us!  But we’re excited about this election anyway.

Within the office, Roxana, Kate, Liz, and Laurie all arrived at work with their “I voted” stickers. In addition to the presidential vote, Massachusetts residents will decide on three interesting ballot initiatives, so there are lots of reasons to get out there.

As for me, I’m going to vote later this afternoon.  First I’ll meet up with my son, who has his first chance to vote today.  My daughter, who will be a first-time voter for the next presidential election in 2012, will join us.  My husband, who became a citizen in 2000, was voting for president for the first time at our local polling place.  He left the house before the polls opened at 7:00, and until he was back home, I didn’t realize he was wearing a red and white striped shirt, along with a blue tie with white stars.  Quite the picture of patriotism, he was.

We hear often from our U.K. relatives that they’re following the election closely, and some of you blog readers in other countries may be doing so, too.  It’s an interesting time here in the U.S.  We’ll find out late tonight who will be leading the country for the next four years.

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