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Meet the Students

Here they are, hard at work.  Or, at least, they’re pretending to be hard at work for the purposes of this photo.  Nonetheless, we make sure that our student staffers (from the left) Kristin, Hania, Betsy, Julie, Divyesh, Saurav, and Ivette are BUSY whenever they’re in the office.  We couldn’t get our work done without them, but they’re a big help to applicants, too.  They patiently answer your questions, keeping in mind that it’s the first time you have called, though it is the hundredth time they have answered that same question.  They open mail, answer dozens of emails every day, date stamp transcripts, sort through reams of correspondence, enter data, and create application files.  The truth is that most of what they do can be very dull, but they approach it all with good humor, knowing that it’s an important contribution to a smooth admissions process.

Beyond the day-to-day tasks, our student staffers help us stay on top of news in the student community, and they’re fun to have around!  Next time you call the office and one of them answers, take a minute to ask about his or her Fletcher experience — their insights are a contribution that we can’t replace.

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