Admissions Tips

A few of the basics

I could continue with staff introductions, but I’m going to take a break today and return to basic info.  One of the facts of Office of Admissions life is that we often have our attention split among very different parts of the admissions cycle.  So right now, while we’re just getting started on fall travel, and we haven’t even started student-led evaluative interviews, we’re also only one month from the October 15 deadline for applications for January enrollment.

If you’re planning a January application, you should already have taken your standardized tests or, at least, have booked a test date.  You should already have spoken to your recommenders, and essays should be under construction.

In fact, if you’re planning to apply by our Early Notification deadline of November 15, those same suggestions apply.  Time has a way of sneaking by us, so don’t delay.

And, speaking of not delaying, I’m looking at an interview calendar that grows busier by the day.  If you’re planning a visit, please don’t put off making your arrangements.  There are several Mondays that are already fully booked — and those who wait another six weeks to contact us will find that options are very limited.

Finally, remember that we’re offering special Visit Days for the PhD and MIB programs.  If you’d like to take advantage of one of them, book your visit for:

October 5
October 26
November 16

October 19
November 9
December 7

Last, our Facebook page has a growing fan base!  Check it out!

2 thoughts on “A few of the basics

  • Thanks for the suggestion, Rizwan! We’re certainly trying to link up all the different media through which we reach students, applicants, and others interested in Fletcher. It’s a work in progress, but I know the goal is to have complete integration.

  • Hi Jessica — Love the FB page for Fletcher and for Fletcher Admissions! Just a thought: What if you put Fletcher’s Twitter and FB connections on the school’s landing page? That might help prospective applicants connect more easily with you.

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