General Admissions NewsOur Students

Student staffers — the telephone and email front line

A couple of years back, one of our most beloved Admissions student staffers from Sri Lanka took a call in the office.  The person at the other end of the line was irritated about something, and then further irritated when he thought he had reached a call center in another part of the world!  Trust me, dear blog readers, we do not outsource our office operations!  But we do hire fabulous Fletcher students to help us out.  While Liz is the first person our visitors meet, the student staffers may be the first Fletcher representative you speak to or hear from by email.  So here, they offer self introductions.

First up, Rebecca:

If you’re reading this, it means you’re interested in or excited about Fletcher.  That’s great — I am too!

Here’s a little bit about me: I’m half Danish and half Australian.  (My mother likes to joke that the good half is Australian.)  I was born in Denmark and moved to the States when I was five.  After graduating from college, I spent a year volunteering teaching English in Ecuador, with an international education NGO called WorldTeach.  When I returned from Ecuador, I spent two years working in the national office of Teach For America. There I learned the ins and outs of how a successful, results-oriented non-profit functions.  It was a fantastic experience, but I knew that ultimately I really wanted to apply everything I was learning to the international realm.

So, I’m now a first-year student in the MALD program. I’m studying International Business Relations with a focus on strategic management and Human Security Studies (I think!).  After graduating, I’m intending to go into management consulting or private sector development, which I hope will give me experience that I can use in managing an international NGO in the future.  But, from what I hear from other students, these plans might change, so I’ll get back to you about how this works out in two years.  In addition to working in the admissions office, I’m involved with the International Business Club, Global Women, the Gender Inequality Project, Fletcher runners, and the Latin America club.  In case you’re wondering, I live on campus, which helps make this hectic schedule possible.  I look forward to answering your questions — don’t hesitate to call or email us!

Next, Sabah:

Hello Fletcher applicants!  My name is Sabah and I’m a first-year MALD student, so I very clearly remember the position you all are in now.  The good news is that you have internet access and have found this site!  That’s more than I can say for myself at this time last year, when I was working as a Project Manager for an NGO in a refugee camp in rural Zambia.  (No electricity or running water — the whole nine!)  Prior to my year in Africa, I worked for the Department of Justice in San Francisco, in the Antitrust Division.  I’ve also held internships at the White House and the Council on Foreign Relations.  My favorite job that never makes it onto my résumé was being a Junior Zoologist at the San Francisco Zoo (for three summers!).

I am now studying Human Security, geographically focused on southern Africa, and my second concentration is not yet decided.  If you have any questions and call or e-mail the Admissions Office, chances are I might just be the person on the receiving end, more than willing to help out.  I look forward to eventually meeting  you, and chatting about your undoubtedly fascinating paths to Fletcher.

More intros coming up tomorrow!  And one scheduling note:  The office will be closed on Monday, October 12, for the Columbus Day holiday.

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