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An interviewer looks back

Chris, another of our interviewers and a first-year MALD student, is reminded of his own application process a year ago, whenever he conducts an interview.

It seems surreal to be interviewing prospective students at Fletcher because, less than a year ago, I was in the same position as the applicants.  I remember studying for the GRE, writing my essays, collecting the recommendations, and then preparing for the interview.   It’s a trying experience when you’re making the decision to attend grad school!

I certainly enjoyed my interview last year, as I not only got to meet Fletcher students currently attending the school, but I also had the opportunity to get a feel for the School itself.  I’m a big believer that the atmosphere of a building says a lot about the organization, and Fletcher is no different.  My impression entering the Hall of Flags was a mixture of intelligence, fun, and a high dependency on coffee.  So far my initial reading has held up remarkably well.

As an interviewer this year, I have consistently interviewed talented people.  During Orientation I frequently asked myself why Admissions admitted me, and the question comes up again after each interview I complete.  (I haven’t asked the Admissions staff, though, because it may put me on their radar.)  But that is what Fletcher is: a community of great people who share a belief that the world can be a better place and who want to make it a reality.

Good luck with your applications!