General Admissions NewsOur Students

Farewell to Januarians

Today’s the last day of classes for the fall semester.  There are fewer classes on Friday than Monday through Thursday, so many students have already called it a wrap.  But that doesn’t mean they have no reason to head to campus.  On the contrary:  this afternoon, Fletcher will say farewell to the graduating Januarians with a reception.

I think I remember who first coined the term “Januarian” to describe students who start their studies off-cycle in January.  At any rate, once someone started using it, the term stuck, and it seems a good description of the class.  It implies a certain differentiation, when in fact the students are the same as those who start in September, except they start in January.  That is, a distinction that’s not much of a difference.

There have been a few years with tiny Januarian groups, leaving them a little lost in the sea of students.  In general, though, we have from 15 to 30 incoming students each January.  Just enough to support each other as they jump into an academic year in full swing, but few enough that the term Januarian maintains its cachet.

The  incoming 2010 Januarian class will include a few under 20 students.  The ever-on-the-ball Jessica Smith has already invited them to join the annual Fletcher ski trip, and we in Admissions know our newest students will be well cared for by current first- and second-years.

The departing Januarian class includes one of our valued office staffers — Divyesh.  I haven’t seen Divyesh all that much this semester — our schedules may not match, but I think the main reason is that he has been tied up with finishing his thesis.  And finding a job.  And planning a wedding.  But I’ll miss our conversations about the television show Friday Night Lights (he’s from Texas, while I just like a good story), among other topics.

Good luck to Divyesh and all the departing Januarians!

2 thoughts on “Farewell to Januarians

  • Hi Juanita,

    The reason the January entering classes are small is just a question of space. A good number of students leave mid-year because they’re pursuing joing degrees, and then there are graduating Januarians. In the fall, we figure out how many student spaces will be open, and we admit the Januarian class based on that number.

    Hope that makes things clearer!

  • Hi Jessica,

    Why are there so few “Januarians?” Is it because the admissions process more selective, or because there are just so few applicants?


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