General Admissions NewsOur Students

Fletcher hits the slopes

This weekend, a skeleton crew of students will be minding the Fletcher shop while a crowd of over 400 students, friends, spouses, and children heads to Maine for a weekend of skiing, snowboarding, and sipping hot chocolate.  They’ll nearly completely take over the condominium accommodations on site at Sugarloaf Mountain, possibly leaving the other skiiers confused as to how everyone on the lifts seems to know each other.  Organizing the trip is a massive student undertaking, all the more so given that one of the pretrip meetings needs to cover the topic of how to stay warm.  While all our students have seen snow by now, many come from places where Maine cold is an abstract concept. 

In other sports news this week, the Boston Globe ran this nice story about one of Fletcher’s first-year students. 

Whether you’re skiing, snowboarding, skating, or watching others play football, have a great weekend!