A minute to celebrate
Laurie surprised us this morning with breakfast, presented ceremoniously, around the table in our back office. We took an hour to eat and celebrate the decision-release milestone, while talking about the next tasks in front of us.
And one of those next tasks, a happy one, is to congratulate our newly admitted students. Congratulations! We’re all looking forward to getting to know you during the coming months (and beyond)!
A bit of info for all applicants, including those who weren’t admitted: I found it especially challenging to evaluate applications this year. I feel (because I’m talking about intuition rather than data) like the overall applicant pool was particularly fabulous! So many people with such interesting experience. It’s great! But a fabulous applicant pool leaves me sorry that we can’t admit even more terrific applicants.
During the coming weeks, I’ll try to include a little more reflection on the process, but most blog posts will be centered on Fletcher programs and the community. Now I’m going to turn back to my inbox and all the emails that built up in there while we focused on other things.
Thank you, Jennifer!
Well deserved! Congratulations and thank you.