General Admissions News

Getting set

Every winter, there’s a day when I realize that the next few weeks will be filled with work, and not much else besides work.  Now’s that time!  Not that we don’t generally work hard on applicants’ behalf, but the final phase of the process is the most intense.

In coming days/weeks, the Admissions Committees will be wrapping up their review, though there are still applications circulating around the office, being read for the first, second, or (sometimes) third time.  Files are sitting in tall piles, waiting for someone to enter a decision in the system.  Committee discussions will start soon on scholarship assistance.  So we’re running the last lap of the process, though that last lap can be among the most challenging.

While you’re waiting for us, there’s one important task for you to take care of:  make sure you’re able to log on to the Graduate Admissions Management System.  (I realize that people who are checking the blog regularly are among our applicants with the strongest grasp of IT systems, but I’m going to make the point anyway.)  Back when your application was first complete, you received an email with the information you would need to log on, and you may have checked your record already (perhaps a dozen times, even).  If you haven’t logged on yet, look for that original email, because you’ll need to log on to access your decision.

Every spring we receive calls from people complaining that they haven’t received a decision.  In fact, the decision is there for them to see, but they can’t access it because they’ve lost the login information.

So check your email inbox and find that message.  (It would have reached you when your application was uploaded, complete with all online recommendations — not the day you first submitted it.)  If you can’t find it, go back to the Application Management System site, where you can click “Don’t know your username and password.”  You’ll soon be in business.  Spread the word!

8 thoughts on “Getting set

  • Jessica,

    Thanks for the note about our username and password. I completely forgot about that. So of course I immediately went and checked my status (breath held) and there was nothing. The waiting continues…

    Appreciate you keeping all us anxious bees in the know.


  • Hi Pon and Kostia,

    Everyone definitely is sent the username and password email when the application is complete. You can probably find it in your spam folder, since it’s automatically generated. (Make sure your computer knows that emails from Fletcher Admissions aren’t spam.)

    As for problems that you may be experiencing tonight — I’ll check into it tomorrow morning. You can give the system a try again tomorrow afternoon.


  • Hello Jessica,
    I actually never received a username to log into the application management system. I just now clicked the “Dont know your username and password” option in the login system, and the system sent me a username and password into my mailbox. But when I put them in, it said “incorrect password”…I am now wondering if my application has been complete or not…
    I have to call the admissions office to figure this out.
    Nice evening!

  • I am unable to log on to the Application Management System (even with the new reassigned password). The screen freezes after I hit “log in”. Does anyone else experience the same problem?


  • Hi Greg,

    Yes, applicants who already have a decision letter will see an new/updated letter when we post them. That’s also true for admitted applicants who are waiting for scholarship information.

    Thanks for raising this question!

  • Hi Jessica,

    Just to make sure- I already received a deferral decision from the Early Notification cycle that is still viewable as of now. I’m assuming the decision will be simply updated in the coming weeks, but I wanted to confirm with you that the same link will bring me to an updated decision when the time comes.

    Thanks again and best,


  • As I said, we’re still working and we’ve got quite a bit yet in front of us. Give us a few weeks — it’s too early to start checking the system every day and doing so will only add to your anxiety!


  • At which point can we expect a decision to show up on the website? Will there be a notification email prior to the decisions going out or should we just keep checking?


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