General Admissions NewsOur Neighborhood

More orientation links to local towns

I grew up on the south shore of Long Island, where each town had the bay as the southern border, and there was one town each to the east, west, and north.  Then I moved up here, where the borders are ragged and you can travel along a single street unaware that you have crossed from town to city and back again.  With all these interconnections, housing-hunting incoming students needn’t feel bound to Medford and Somerville.

In particular, parts of both Arlington and Cambridge are within a mile of Fletcher, and five miles would get you to Winchester, Belmont, Watertown, Malden, as well as parts of Boston.  Depending on your housing needs and whether you decide to bring a car, any of these towns could be the right place for you to spend a couple of years.

As for that tricky question of whether to bring a car, here’s what I’d say.  If you don’t own one, don’t buy one!  You’ll find other students who can run you over to the supermarket now and then.  And, there are Zipcars on campus, including in the Fletcher parking lot.  If you already own a car, I’m sure you’ll find it helpful, but you’ll want to plan carefully to prevent unintended expenses.  We locals get used to a crazy array of parking (more accurately:  NO PARKING) regulations on our narrow streets.  Meanwhile, public transportation is good, so owning a car isn’t a necessity.

2 thoughts on “More orientation links to local towns

  • That’s a really nice comment, Subhash. Of course, there are many great schools out there for IR (LSE being one of them), though I’m certainly biased enough to think that Fletcher is extra special. I look forward to seeing an application from you in the future.

    Good luck with your exams, etc.,

  • This is totally unrelated but just wanted to share. I got into London School of Economics and IR for the IR program. I was so excited to apply but then the news did not excite me at all because I want to go to Fletcher badly.


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