General Admissions News

Name-face connections

It’s a quiet office this morning as we all catch up on whatever we set aside yesterday for the Open House.  We had a really nice day (plus reception on Sunday night).  It always amazes me how quickly the visitors are indistinguishable from current students.  Once they have made the trip through our circuitous hallways once or twice, they’re good to go.

The aspect of the Open House that I enjoy most is putting a face to a name.  More accurately in my case (since I don’t focus on the name when I read an application), putting a face to a story.  I like hearing the self-introductions that prompt a recollection:  “Oh, yeah, I remember that guy…worked five years at xyz organization and wants to focus on something-something field of study.”  It’s a strange relationship — knowing someone’s back story without knowing the someone.

Now the admitted students are back to work or riding the circuit of open houses down the east coast, and we’re back to answering questions in emails from other admitted students, or starting new projects that will take us through the next few weeks.  Enrollment responses are starting to come in, but the real flood will arrive next week.  Then we’ll know which of those names, faces, and stories will be part of the Fletcher community in September.

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