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A beautiful day for a graduation

Yesterday’s early-morning clouds disbursed, providing the Class of 2010 with a day that was both joyful and dry!  The University has already posted some quick photos and stories, describing the “all-University” portion of the event.  (You’ll find happy (and tired) Fletcher students in photos 16, 26, and 30.)  The Fletcher ceremony that followed included:  a welcome from Dean Bosworth; the awarding of several student awards; the introduction (by graduating-student Beka Feathers) of Prof. Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church, the winner of the Paddock Teaching Award, and her speech; congratulatory and instructive words from elected student speech-givers Joshua Gross and Poomsanti Wairith.  And then, the happy moment when each graduating student was called up in turn to receive a diploma.

Commencement is always a lovely day, with just a bit of sadness mixed in.  I enjoyed seeing students in their spiffy finest, and meeting their parents, spouses, and friends.  I also noted just how many people I really could have (or, even, should have) included in Friday’s blog post.  What a great bunch of people!

By the time I arrived this morning, there was already a graduate waiting for a taxi to take him out of town.  The office has had a few early visitors, as they pull everything together before their travels.  A few graduated students will be around for part of the summer, helping us to weather the transition.  We’ll miss the members of the class of 2010, but we’re excited for what they’re about to achieve.  It was a great pleasure to send them off on such a beautiful and happy day.

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