Our Students

Students Write On

No vacation from thought for Fletcher students and new alums.  Or, at least, a good number are continuing to think, and reflect their thoughts through their blogs.  I asked them to point me toward their blog sites, and here’s a sample of what they’re writing:

Jeremy White, David Reidy, Beau Barnes, and Jeff Schneider are jointly writing Demagogues and Dictators, which David describes simply as an international affairs blog.  For his portion, Jeremy adds:  “I am currently writing from Afghanistan with observations on my work conducting a study of information operations performed by the coalition.”

Elise Crane is a Huffington Post blogger.  She explains that the “general theme is media framing and analysis, but I try to keep it diverse.”

Continuing with the serious content, Rizwan Ladha describes his summer blog:

This blog primarily examines the role of nuclear weapons in today’s world, where we face security threats from non-state actors and must address issues related to asymmetric warfare. Specific topics of discussion/analysis include the effectiveness of nuclear deterrence; the feasibility of global disarmament; civilian nuclear power; consequences of nuclear war; North Korean and Iranian nuclear ambitions; and the role of the United States in non-proliferation and disarmament initiatives.

Last (for today), Erika (Kika) Tabacniks writes a sunny summer blog that provides its own description:

As the new “Masters” throw their caps into the air, I land in a new territory.  My story takes place in sunny Raleigh, North Carolina where I will be working at Genworth Financial. And yes, it is time to update the blog with my summer job adventures.

Not so much international affairs content from Kika, but a fun picture of what happens when a woman from Brazil lands in North Carolina.

I hope you’ll enjoy these examples of the writing that students assign to themselves.